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Jang(Fermented Soybean) in Official and Royal Documents in Chosun Dynasty Period  

Ann, Yong-Geun (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Chungcheong University)
Publication Information
The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition / v.25, no.2, 2012 , pp. 368-382 More about this Journal
This paper investigated the system that is relevant to Jang(fermented soybean paste or solution), the relief of hunger-stricken people by Jang, 33 kinds of Jang, and its consumption in the documents, such as the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, Ihlseong-document, Seungjeongwon daily, Uigwe(record of national ceremony), official documents on the basis of Kyujanggak institute for the Korean studies and data base of Korean classics. There are lots of Jang named after the place of particular soybean's production from the ancient times. Jang, soybean, salt and Meju(source of Jang), during the Dynasty, were collected as taxation or tribute. In the 5th year of Hyeonjong(1664), the storage amount of soybean in Hojo(ministry of finance) was 16,200 $k{\ell}$, and its consumption was 7,694 $k{\ell}$ a year. In the 32nd year of Yongjo(1756), the 1,800 $k{\ell}$ of soybean was distributed to the people at the time of disaster, and in his 36th year(1756), the 15,426 $k{\ell}$ of soybean was reduced from the soybean taxation nationwide. The offices managing Jang are Naejashi, Saseonseo, Sadoshi, Yebinshi and Bongsangshi. Chongyoongcheong(Gyeonggi military headquarters) stored the 175.14 $k{\ell}$ of Jang, and the 198 $k{\ell}$ of Jang in Yebinshi. There are such posts managing Jang as Jangsaek, Jangdoo, and Saseonsikjang. In the year of Jeongjong(1777~1800), the royal family distributed the 3.6 $k{\ell}$ of Meju to Gasoon-court, Hygyeong-court, queen's mother-court, queen's court, royal palace. The 13.41 $k{\ell}$ of Gamjang(fermented soybean solution) was distributed to the Gasoon-court, 17.23 $k{\ell}$ to Hegyeong-court, 17.09 $k{\ell}$ to the queen's mother-court, and the 17.17 $k{\ell}$ to the queen's court each. There are 112 Jang-storing pots in the royal storages, and the 690 are in Namhan-hill, where the 2.7 $k{\ell}$ of fermented Jang was made and brought back by them each year. At the time of starvation, Jang relieved the starving people. There are 20 occasions of big reliefs, according to the annals of the Chosun Dynasty. In the 5th year of Sejong(1423), the 360 $k{\ell}$ of Jang was given to the hunger-stricken people. In his 6th year(1424), the 8,512.92 $k{\ell}$ of rice, bean, and Jang was provided and in the 28th year(1446), the 8,322.68 $k{\ell}$ of Jang was also provided to them. In the Dynasty, Jang was given as a salary. In case that when they were bereaved, they didn't eat Jang patiently for its preservation. They were awarded for their filial piety. In the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, there are 19 kinds of Jang. They are listed in the order of Jang(108), Yeomjang(90), Maljang(11), Yookjang(5), Gamjang(4), and etc.,. In Seungjeongwon daily, there are 11 kinds of Jang. Jang(6), Cheongjang (5), Maljang(5), and Tojang(3) are listed in order. In the Ihlseong-document, there are 5 kinds of Jang. They are listed in Jang(15), Maljang(2), Gamjang(2), and etc.,. There are 13 kinds of Jang in Uigwe, and the official documents, in the order of Gamjang(59), Ganjang(37), Jang(28), Yeomjang(7), Maljang(6), and Cheongjang(5). In addition, shi are Jeonshi(7), and Dooshi(4). All these are made of only soybean except, for Yookjang. The most-frequently recorded Jang among anthology, cookbook, the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, Ihlseong-document, Seoungjeongwon daily, Uigwe, or official document is Jang(372), and then Yeomjang(194), Gamjang(73), Cheongjang(46), Ganjang(46), Soojang(33), and Maljang(26), which were made of soybean. Jang from China in cookbook is not in anthology and royal palace documents. Thus, traditional Jang made of soybean was used in the daily food life in the royal court, and in the public during the Chosun period.
Jang; fermented soybean; Chosun's Jang; traditional jang;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
1 編者未詳. 刊年未詳. 大報壇增修所儀軌
2 編者未詳. 刊年未詳. 度支別進排謄錄
3 河陽郡. 1907. 河陽郡瓦村面東江洞被燒人姓名及家舍汴物成冊
4 한국고전종합 데이터베이스( IndexI frame.jsp) 2010.1.1-2011.12.30 방문
5 湖西監營. 1889. 湖西監營米布重記光緖十五年五月日
6 魂殿都監. 1718. [端懿嬪]魂宮都監儀軌(上)
7 魂殿都監. 1720. 肅宗魂殿都監儀軌
8 魂殿都監. 1730. [宣懿王后]魂殿都監儀軌
9 魂殿都監. 1730. 醬庫[宣懿王后]魂殿都監儀軌
10 魂殿都監. 1757. [仁元王后]魂殿都監儀軌
11 魂殿都監. 1776. [英祖]魂殿都監儀軌
12 洪養默. 1801. 式禮會統
13 訓鍊都監. 刊年未詳
14 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世祖6年(1460). 4. 5
15 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世祖6年(1460). 閏11. 13
16 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗14年(1432). 4. 3
17 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗17年(1435). 1. 26
18 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗28年(1446). 8. 23
19 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗5年(1423). 1. 28
20 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗5年(1423). 7. 20
21 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗8年(1426). 2. 29
22 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世宗8年(1426). 7. 18
23 朝鮮王朝實錄. 肅宗13年(1687). 2. 29
24 朝鮮王朝實錄. 純祖12年(1812). 4. 21
25 朝鮮王朝實錄. 燕山君12年(1506). 5.29
26 朝鮮王朝實錄. 英祖7年(1731). 11. 30
27 朝鮮王朝實錄. 睿宗1年(1469). 6. 29
28 朝鮮王朝實錄. 仁祖26年(1648). 8. 9
29 朝鮮王朝實錄. 仁宗1年(1545). 2. 8
30 朝鮮王朝實錄. 仁宗1年(1545). 閏1. 16
31 朝鮮王朝實錄. 正祖10年(1786). 5. 19
32 朝鮮王朝實錄. 正朝2年(1778). 2. 22
33 朝鮮王朝實錄. 正祖7年(1783). 11. 5
34 朝鮮王朝實錄. 中宗10年(1515). 11. 2
35 朝鮮王朝實錄. 中宗25年(1530). 6. 12
36 朝鮮王朝實錄. 玄宗4年(1663). 6. 20
37 朝鮮王朝實錄. 中宗38年(1543). 12. 22
38 朝鮮王朝實錄. 中宗39年(1544). 11. 9
39 朝鮮王朝實錄. 太宗元年(1401). 1. 13
40 朝鮮王朝實錄. 玄宗5年(1664). 10. 5
41 宗簿寺. 1758. 璿源譜略修正儀軌
42 宗親府. 1713. [肅宗]御容圖寫都監儀軌
43 周公. BC200. 爾雅
44 重建都監. 1695. 獻陵碑石重建廳儀軌
45 重修都監. 1764. 健元陵丁字閣重修都監儀軌
46 池日賓. 1763. 增補天機大要
47 陳壽(233-297). 三國志, 中國
48 冊禮都監. 1721. [英祖王世弟受冊時]冊禮都監儀軌
49 冊禮都監. 1725. [眞宗世子受冊時]冊禮都監儀軌
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63 編者未詳. 1618. 光海君私親誌石改修都監儀軌
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66 安鼎福. 1309. 東史綱目
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96 趙慶男. 1567-1608. 亂中雜錄
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98 朝鮮王朝實錄. 高宗14年(1877). 7. 16
99 朝鮮王朝實錄. 高宗16年(1879). 4. 11
100 朝鮮王朝實錄. 端宗元年(1452). 9. 14
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102 朝鮮王朝實錄. 明宗5年(1550). 7. 28
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105 朝鮮王朝實錄. 成宗15年(1484). 1. 7
106 朝鮮王朝實錄. 宣祖26年(1593). 2. 8
107 朝鮮王朝實錄. 宣祖38年(1605). 4. 22
108 朝鮮王朝實錄. 成宗12年(1481). 7. 13
109 朝鮮王朝實錄. 成宗18年(1487). 1. 23
110 朝鮮王朝實錄. 成宗1年(1470) 5.13
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112 朝鮮王朝實錄. 成宗3年(1472). 4. 15
113 朝鮮王朝實錄. 成宗4年(1473). 12. 28
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115 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世祖14年(1468). 4. 10
116 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世祖1年(1455). 7. 24
117 朝鮮王朝實錄. 世祖5年(1459). 4. 16
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181 改修都監. 1783. 元陵改修都監儀軌
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191 管仲(?-BC645) 管子
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196 國葬都監. 1776. [英祖]國葬都監都廳儀軌
197 國葬都監. 1834. [純祖]國葬都監儀軌
198 國葬都監. 1857. 純元王后國葬都監儀軌
199 國葬都監. 1895. [明成皇后]國葬都監儀軌
200 國葬都監都廳儀軌. 未詳