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Experimental Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Porcelain Surge Arrestor Considering the Variation of Cable's Tension and Arrestor's Stiffness  

Jang, Jung Bum (Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute)
Hwang, Kyeong Min (Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute)
Yun, Kwan Hee (Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.18, no.5, 2014 , pp. 253-259 More about this Journal
Porcelain surge arrestor is very vulnerable to earthquake but there is very few information on its dynamic characteristics which are necessary to the seismic design. Therefore, the dynamic characteristics of the porcelain surge arrestor are evaluated considering the variation of its cable tension and stiffness by shaking table test. The test results show that the first natural frequencies are 5.3 Hz and 5.2 Hz in the horizontal x- and y-axis directions, respectively, and higher than 30 Hz in the vertical z-axis direction, respectively. The installation of cable on the surge arrestor reduces the horizontal natural frequencies due to the constraint effect of the cable but cable tension has no effect on the natural frequency. Also, the natural frequency is proportional to the stiffness of the surge arrestor. This test result will be used for the seismic design and seismic capacity assessment of domestic substations and contribute to the stability of the electric power supply under earthquake event.
Porcelain Surge Arrestor; Natural Frequency; Dynamic Characteristics; Tension; Stiffness;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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