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1 The Source Parameters of Offshore Earthquakes with Magnitude Larger than 4.0 Nearby Sinan
Choi, Hoseon; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.18, no.5, pp.213-219,
2 Nonlinear Seismic Analysis for Performance Assessment of Hollow RC Bridge Columns with Reinforcement Details for Material Quantity Reduction
Kim, Tae Hoon;Lee, Seung Hoon; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.18, no.5, pp.221-230,
3 A Discussion on the Improvement of Seismic Design Criteria of Infrastructures
Seo, Hyeong Yeol;Park, Kwang Soon;Kim, Ick Hyun;Kim, Dong Soo; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.18, no.5, pp.231-240,
4 Seismic Performance of an Existing Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Piloti Building Retrofitted by Steel Rod Damper
Baek, Eun Lim;Oh, Sang Hoon;Lee, Sang Ho; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.18, no.5, pp.241-251,
5 Experimental Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Porcelain Surge Arrestor Considering the Variation of Cable's Tension and Arrestor's Stiffness
Jang, Jung Bum;Hwang, Kyeong Min;Yun, Kwan Hee; / Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea , v.18, no.5, pp.253-259,