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Development and Application of Science Career Education Materials Using TV Programs in Junior High School  

Yoon, Hye-Gyoung (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Kim, Hyoung-Seok (Guahm Middle school)
Jung, Hyung-Si (Soongsil High school)
Kim, Joung-Youn (Ansan Elementary school)
Kim, Myoung-Soon (Jungdong Elementary school)
Publication Information
Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education / v.26, no.4, 2006 , pp. 518-526 More about this Journal
Science career education is for every student as well as for students who want to become scientists. In this study, we developed and applied science career education materials using TV programs which showed successful application of science in industry and business. The effects of the programs were surveyed mainly by questionnaire on 'Science Career Orientation', which have four categories.Video materials using TV programs were effective in changing science career orientation (p<0.05) of junior high school students, but only when the teacher added some cognitive explanation on the scientific concept involved. Providing only video materials were not enough to make meaningful change on science career orientation. The results implied science career education should be linked with science teaching and learning. It also showed the possibility and the way of using informal education like TV program in science career education.
Science career education; Science career orientation; TV program;
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  • Reference
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