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Students' Levels of Cognitive Conflict by Provided Quantitative Demonstration and Qualitative Demonstration  

Kim, Ji-Na (YeounSan Girl's Middle School in Pusan)
Choi, Hyuk-Joon (Korea National University of Education)
Kwon, Jae-Sool (Korea National University of Education)
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Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education / v.22, no.1, 2002 , pp. 12-21 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to understand middle school students' levels of cognitive conflict for the students provided quantitative demonstration and qualitative demonstration after the pre-test. 297 middle school students were selected from one school in Pusan. Action-reaction problem of mechanics and electric bulbs in parallel problem of electricity were used in the demonstration and the pre-test. Students' cognitive conflict levels were investigated using the developed items by Kwon(1999) et al. We compared cognitive conflict levels between quantitative demonstration group and qualitative demonstration group. In addition to, we compared cognitive conflict levels between students who changed their preconceptions and the students who adhered to their preconceptions. We investigated correlation between levels of faith with preconceptions and cognitive conflict levels. The study generated the following results. First, students who selected incorrect choice in pre-test showed the higher levels of cognitive conflict in quantitative demonstration group than qualitative demonstration group and students who selected correct choice in pre-test showed higher levels of cognitive conflict in qualitative demonstration group than quantitative demonstration group. Second, students who changed their preconceptions were higher levels of cognitive conflict than students who adhered their preconceptions. Third, students who selected incorrect choice in pre-test showed positive correlation between levels of faith with preconceptions and levels of cognitive conflict, and students who selected incorrect choice in pre-test showed negative correlation between levels of faith with preconceptions and levels of cognitive conflict.
cognitive conflict; concept learning; motivation;
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  • Reference
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