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Effects of Egg Storage, Storage Temperature, and Insemination of Hens on Egg Quality  

Suk Y. O. (Department of Applied Animal Science, Division of Life Resources, Sahmyook University)
Kwon J. T. (Halim)
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Korean Journal of Poultry Science / v.31, no.4, 2004 , pp. 203-212 More about this Journal
A total of 1,200 eggs obtained from 312-day-old Hy-line Brown laying breeder hens and 319-day-old Hy-line Brown commercial laying hens (600 eggs obtained from each one) at same day were used to investigate the effects of egg storage, storage temperature, and insemination of hens on the change of albumen height, Haugh unit(HU), albumen pH, shell strength, and yolk color. Eggs were stored up to 14 days after lay at $3^{\circ}C$ or $10^{\circ}C$ and sampled one day after stored and then 24 hours interval. Longer periods of storage resulted in lower albumen height and HU at both storage temperatures, but in higher albumen pH. The eggs stored at $3^{\circ}C$ were significantly (P<0.05) higher in HU and lower in albumen pH than the ones stored at $10^{\circ}C$. The eggs obtained from the non-inseminated-hens were significantly (P<0.05) higher in albumen height, HU, and albumen pH than the eggs obtained from the inseminated-hens. Whereas, the eggs obtained from the non-inseminated-hens in the mean albumen pH of eggs stored at $3^{\circ}C$ were significantly (P<0.05) higher than the ones obtained from the inseminated-hens, but the mean albumen pH of eggs stored at 10^{\circ}C did not differ each other. The mean shell strength of the eggs obtained from the inseminated-hens was significantly (P<0.05) stronger than that of the eggs obtained from the non-inseminated-hens at both storage temperatures. Albumen height and albumen pH were negatively correlated $(P<0.01\~0.001)$ in both inseminated and non-inseminated-hen's egg groups. The degree of yolk colors was not significantly changed overall of the experimental periods in both storage temperatures. The study suggests that the change of egg freshness such as albumen height and HU is relatively more associated with storage period and storage temperature than insemination or non-insemination of hens.
albumen height; Haugh unit; storage period; storage temperature; insemination;
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