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Characteristics of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced in wistar rats following four different diets  

Fakhoury-Sayegh, Nicole (Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmacy, Saint Joseph University)
Trak-Smayra, Viviane (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Saint Joseph University)
Khazzaka, Aline (Department of Surgical Research, Faculty of Medicine, Saint Joseph University)
Esseily, Fady (Department of Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Public Health II, Lebanese University)
Obeid, Omar (Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, American University of Beirut)
Lahoud-Zouein, May (Department of Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Public Health II, Lebanese University)
Younes, Hassan (Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais)
Publication Information
Nutrition Research and Practice / v.9, no.4, 2015 , pp. 350-357 More about this Journal
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has increased worldwide in parallel with overnutrition characterized by high-fat and high-carbohydrate intake. Our objective was to establish, in 16 weeks, a model of NAFLD in Wistar pathogen-free rats following four dietary types. MATERIALS/METHODS: Forty (6 weeks old) healthy Wistar male rats, weighing an average of 150 g were randomly divided into four groups of ten and assigned a diet with the same quantity (15 g/rat/day), but with different composition. The moderate-fat (MF) group was fed a moderate-fat diet (31.5% fat and 50% carbohydrates), the high-fat (HF) group was fed a fat-rich diet (51% fat), the high-sucrose (HS) group and the high-fructose (HFr) group were fed a carbohydrate-rich diet (61%). The carbohydrate contents of the HS group was composed of 60.3% sucrose while that of the HFr group was composed of 59.3% fructose. RESULTS: At week 16, the HF group had the highest percentage of cells enriched in fat (40%) and the highest weight and liver weight (P < 0.05). The HFr group showed significantly higher levels of serum triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase and adiponectin at week 16 as compared to week 1 (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The 15 g/rat/day diet composed of 51% fat or 61% carbohydrates enriched mainly in fructose may induce characteristics of NAFLD in rats.
Adiponectin; sucrose; triglycerides; fructose; Wistar rats;
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