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Macro-Micro Manipulation with Visual Tracking and its Application to Wheel Assembly  

Cho Changhyun (Center for Intelligent Robotics, Frontier 21 Program at KIST)
Kang Sungchul (Intelligent Robotics Research Center at KIST)
Kim Munsang (Center for Intelligent Robotics, Frontier 21 Program at KIST)
Song Jae-Bok (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems / v.3, no.3, 2005 , pp. 461-468 More about this Journal
This paper proposes a wheel-assembly automation system, which assembles a wheel into a hub of a vehicle hung to a moving hanger in a car manufacturing line. A macro-micro manipulator control strategy is introduced to increase the system bandwidth and tracking accuracy to ensure insertion tolerance. A camera is equipped at the newly designed wheel gripper, which is attached at the center of the end-effector of the macro-micro manipulator and is used to measure position error of the hub of the vehicle in real time. The redundancy problem in the macro-micro manipulator is solved without complicated calculation by assigning proper functions to each part so that the macro part tracks the velocity error while the micro part regulates the fine position error. Experimental results indicate that tracking error satisfies the insertion tolerance of assembly $({\pm}1mm)$, and thus it is verified that the proposed system can be applied to the wheel assembly task on a moving hanger in the manufacturing line.
Conveyor tracking; macro-micro manipulator; redundancy; visual tracking; wheel assembly;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 8  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 12
연도 인용수 순위
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