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A Study on the Composition of Geometrical Model for Factorization Formula  

Chung, Young Woo (Department of Mathematics, University of Ulsan)
Kim, Boo Yoon (Department of Mathematics Education, Pusan National University)
Publication Information
In this study, the geometric model of 11 factorization formulas presented in the 2015 revised national curriculum was constructed and the necessary mathematical conditions were derived in the process. As a result of the study, all of the 11 factorization formulas are geometrically modeled and 12 conditions are derived in the process. However, the basic method of directly cutting and attaching a given shape was limited to not being able to make a rectangle or rectangular parallelepiped. Therefore, the problem was solved by changing the perspective and focusing on whether rectangle or rectangular parallelepiped with the same area or volume could be constructed.
factorization formula; Geometrical Model;
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  • Reference
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