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산술교육에서의 직관적 전개가 가지는 인간 교육적 의미  

Yu, Chung-Hyun (Graduate School of Education Dong-a University)
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Arithmetic education is based not only on concept but also fundamentally on intuition. Pestalozzi understood time, a Kant's transcendental intuition, as numbers, a form of cognition, so that he considered intuition essential in arithmetic education. Pestalozzi and Herbart also recommended the intuitive arithmetic education. Significance of the arithmetic education based on intuition resides in the fact that arithmetic, an expression of nature and the world, is succeeded to modern arithmetic education because numbers, a cornerstone of mathematics, are symbolized as a law of mind reasoning.
Arithmetic education; Intuition; Human education; Human character development;
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  • Reference
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