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Study on Comparison of Growth Performance, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Characteristics for Holstein and F1(Holstein ♀ x Hanwoo ♂) Steers and Heifers  

Kang, S.W. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.)
Oh, Y.K. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.)
Kim, K.H. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.)
Choi, C.W. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.)
Son, Y.S. (College of Life & Environmental Sciences, Korea University)
Publication Information
Journal of Animal Science and Technology / v.47, no.4, 2005 , pp. 593-606 More about this Journal
Present study was conducted to investigate the optimal feeding levels for producing the high quality meat on the basis of the information deriving from the comparison of the growth performance and carcass characteristics among breeds(Holstein vs F1, Holstein♀×Hanwoo♂), sex(steer vs heifer) and interaction between breed and sex. Thirty two animals on 4 treatments(i.e. eight head each) were used for 540 days from seven to 24 months of age. The results obtained are summarized as follows; the range of average daily gains was 0.733 to 1.018, 0.994 to 1.255, 0.947 to 1.259 and 0.736 to 0.824kg for the growing, the early-fattening, the mid- fattening and the finishing periods, respectively. The range of average daily gains for the entire period was 0.882 to 1.061kg. The gains were higher for Holstein(7.3%) and the steers(10.5%) than F1 and the heifers, respectively. Concentrates and total digestible nutrients intakes per kg gain were higher for Holstein and the heifers than F1 and the steers, respectively. These findings may indicate that feed utilization is higher for Holstein than F1, and higher for the steers than the heifers. In carcass characteristics, back fat thickness was thicker for Holstein than F1, and rib-eye area was smaller for Holstein than F1. The rib-eye area per kg carcass weight was larger for F1 and the heifers than Holstein and the steers, respectively. Meat color was better for Holstein than F1, but the sex distinction did not show any differences. In physicochemical properties of longissimus dorsi, shear force, cooking loss, water holding capacity and the panel test scores of juiciness, tenderness and flavor for F1 and the heifers were better than those for Holstein and the steers, respectively. According to the above results, we may conclude that F1 and heifers rather than Holstein and steers are recommended for high quality meat production. In steers and heifers of Holstein and F1, the optimal feeding levels may be 1.9% of apparent body weight for concentrates and 25% of concentrates intake for rice straw.
Holstein; F1; Steers; Heifers; Growth; Carcass Characteristics;
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