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A Study on Learner Variables Influencing State Curiosity and State Anxiety in Confronting Scientific Task Situation  

Kang, Jihoon (Dalsan Elementary School)
Kim, Jina (Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.40, no.3, 2021 , pp. 343-365 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of learner variables on triggering state curiosity and state anxiety in confronting scientific task situation for fifth to sixth grades of elementary school. Science curiosity, interest, need for cognition, science self-concept, science anxiety, prior knowledge, and perceived difficulty were selected as learner variables that are expected to affect state curiosity and state anxiety. As a result of this study, the variables that had a significant influence on evoking state curiosity in confronting scientific task situation were in the order of interest, need for cognition, science curiosity, and prior knowledge, and all of these variables had a positive effect. In addition, the variables that significantly affect on evoking state anxiety in confronting scientific task situation were in the order of science anxiety, perceived difficulty, need for cognition, science self-concept, and prior knowledge. Of these, only prior knowledge had a negative effect on evoking state anxiety, and the other variables had a positive effect. The results of this study are expected to broaden the comprehension of students' emotional states in science education, and provide a theoretical foundation for the studies of state curiosity and state anxiety in science learning.
state curiosity; state anxiety; science curiosity; interest; need for cognition; science self-concept; science anxiety; prior knowledge; perceived difficulty;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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