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Analysis of the Continuity between Science Education Contents Presented in Kindergarten and Elementary School Curriculum  

Kim, Juhee (Gimhae Habsung Elementary School)
Kang, Eunju (Okpo Elementary School)
Park, Jongho (Chinju National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.40, no.3, 2021 , pp. 295-310 More about this Journal
For the continuous growth and development of students, continuity of learning content according to the school level is essential. However, research on the continuity of kindergarten education and elementary school science curriculum is relatively insufficient. In this respect, it is necessary to precede the analysis of the continuity between the science-related learning content presented in kindergarten education and the science curriculum in elementary school. In this study, the 2015 science curriculum was organized into 14 small sections, and the core contents of science education in kindergartens and elementary schools were presented as correspondence. As a result, it was possible to classify learning contents presented only in kindergarten, learning contents presented only in elementary schools, and learning contents showing a clear continuity between kindergarten and elementary school. This study is meaningful in that it presents implications for the continuity between the science curriculum of the kindergarten curriculum and the elementary school curriculum.
kindergarten; elementary school; curriculum; science education; continuity;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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