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Analysis of Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Collaborative Problem Solving Competency Related to Science which Required in the Digital Age  

Na, Jiyeon (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Yoon, Heojeong (Chuncheon National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.39, no.4, 2020 , pp. 494-505 More about this Journal
In this study, we surveyed characteristics of the science related collaborative problem solving competency of pre-service elementary teachers, especially required in the digital age. The participants in online survey were 119 pre-service elementary teachers of National University of Education located in Gangwon province. The analyzed results of survey were as follows: First, pre-service teachers performed their task responsibly in collaborative problem solving context related to science. However, they lacked competencies in making rubrics for problem solving processes or outcomes, and setting up rules about team activities. Second, in using ICT technology, the competencies of utilizing tools such as app and software lacked compared with the competencies of searching data in online and using ppt. Third, there was no statistically significant difference among groups by their intensive major in university or selective subject in high school. Nevertheless, pre-service teachers majoring in natural science showed more persistence than those majoring in humanities in problem solving context. Finally, there was no significant gender difference except 'clear communication and accomplishment'. That is, female pre-service teachers performed more responsible in their task and showed more fluency in communication and presentation within their group than male counterparts. Based on these results, implications in the field of pre-service teacher education were discussed.
collaborative problem solving; digital age; pre-service teacher;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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