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The Relationships between the Preservice Elementary Teachers' Goal Orientations for Science Teaching and Their Images of Science Class  

Jeon, Kyungmoon (Gwangju National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.37, no.4, 2018 , pp. 430-439 More about this Journal
The preservice elementary teachers' goal orientations for science teaching (mastery/ability-approach/ ability-avoidance/work-avoidance goal) were measured. We also examined how the goal orientations were related to their images of science class (preferred/avoided). The results showed that the student teachers (75 males and 82 females) tended to have the mastery or ability-approach goals rather than the ability-avoidance or work-avoidance goals for science teaching. For avoided class, they tended to show teacher-centered components (eg., teacher: lecturing, students: watching and listening, environment: chalkboard), while rarely to show such teacher-centered components for preferred class. Regarding the relationships between the goal orientations and the images of science class, the significantly positive relationship was found between the ability-approach goal orientation and teacher-centered image of avoided class. However, the teacher-centered image for preferred class was positively related to the ability-avoidance goal orientation. The educational implications and future directions were discussed.
preservice elementary teacher; goal orientation for science teaching; image of science class;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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