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The Analysis of Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Reflective Thinking and Experiment Performance Ability on Photosynthesis Experiment  

Kim, Dong-Ryeul (Daegu National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.34, no.4, 2015 , pp. 502-518 More about this Journal
In order to find out Elementary pre-service teachers' reflective thinking and experiment performance ability related with Photosynthesis Experiment in the Korea Elementary School Science Textbook, the research is conducted targeting Elementary pre-service teachers. They are asked to carry out the experiment and write their own report about the difficulties and solutions of exploration process. This study aims to analyze Elementary pre-service teachers' reflection and experiment performance ability on Photosynthesis experiment based on 10 groups' reports and presentation materials. Reflective thinking extracts 108 statements which is associated with the four types of the sentence 'Knowledge, Procedure, Orientation, Attitude' in 10 reports. There are many sentences about reflective thinking acquired through analysis of the photosynthesis experiment. reflective thinking about the newly discovered type or changed concepts through experimentation in Knowledge is at the highest frequency. 56 sentences in relation to the ability to perform experiments are extracted by adding 4 different types of reflective thinking in 10 groups shown the highest frequency group and the lowest frequency group's report through analyzing 4 steps 'Experimental preparation and safety accident prevention', 'Experiments performance', 'Experimental results and generalization', and 'Experimental results and feedback.' Results of the analysis showed that there are the biggest difference between the two groups in 'experiment results supplement and feedback step.' In the lowest group's report, there's no contents related with 'Computer-assisted information processing' in the 'Experimental results summary and generalization stage', 'Alternative reagents and materials research', and 'Devising alternative experiment methods'.
photosynthesis experiment; reflective thinking; experiment performance ability; elementary preservice teachers; report;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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