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The Sixth Grade Children's Understandings of the Greenhouse Effect  

Byun, Sung-Kook (Chonan Elementary School)
Jang, Myoung-Duk (Gongju National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.34, no.4, 2015 , pp. 434-446 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school students' conceptions about the knowledge source and the mechanism about the greenhouse effect, and the relationship between the greenhouse effect and the global warming. Participants were 157 sixth graders (boy : n=79, girl : n=78) from six elementary schools located in the same city. The open-ended questionnaire was used to examine the students' spontaneous ideas depicted by their drawings and/or writings. The results of this study are as follows: First, although there is no the content on the greenhouse effect in the elementary school curriculum document, the children in this study indicated that the main source of their knowledge about the greenhouse effect came from 'school class' (31.8%); Second, although the children did not take a class about the greenhouse effect itself, 14.0% of children had a relatively high level of the mental model on the phenomenon; Third, more than 90% of the children did not have the correct understanding about the relation between the greenhouse effect and the global warming.
children's conceptions; greenhouse effect; mental model; source of knowledge;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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