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Enhancing Preservice Teachers' Science Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) through Scientific Investigations  

Choi, Sanghee (University of North Georgia)
Lee, Young Hee (Dankook University)
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Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.34, no.4, 2015 , pp. 406-418 More about this Journal
This study was designed to enhance preservice teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) through scientific investigations based on current science education reforms. To do so, a science methods course was revised to include modeling effective scientific inquiry practices as well as designing and teaching scientific investigations in the K-5 practicum classrooms (Revised Science Methods Course). This study assessed the following research questions: (1) What level of PCK do preservice teachers have before and after the completion of RSMC; (2) To what extent do participants change their self-efficacy in science teaching after completing RSMC; and (3) Is there any correlation between participants' changes in self-efficacy and the level of PCK. Participants were 76 preservice teachers enrolled in a science methods course offered at a medium-sized university in the midwestern United States. This study employed the STEBI-B survey and the PCK rubric. There result of the study indicated that there was significant increase in Personal Science Teaching Efficacy (PSTE) of the participant preservice teachers after the completion of the course. Based on the PCK rubric analysis, there was a significant increase in mean scores of the post-RSMC lesson compared to those of the pre-RSMC lesson. The correlational analysis of participants showed a positive correlation between changes in self-efficacy and the level of PCK. Thus, it may be concluded that the reform-based science methods course had a positive impact on participants' self-efficacy in science teaching through correcting misconceptions, developing higher level of PCK, and modeling scientific investigation in their practicum schools.
science self-efficacy; PCK (Pedagogical content knowledge); science methods course; inquiry; preservice teachers;
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