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The Effects of a Teaching-Learning Program Using the History of Science on Academic Achievement, Science Attitude, and Science Process Skill of Elementary School Students - Focused on the Unit of 'Our Body' -  

Kweon, Jeong-A (Seoul YangDong Elementary School)
Shin, Dong Hoon (Seoul National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.34, no.3, 2015 , pp. 325-337 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a teaching-learning program using the history of science on elementary school students' academic achievement, science attitude, and science process skill. Subjects were 72 students of two groups in the 5th Grade. A experimental group of 36 was instructed 10 lessons in unit of 'our body' using the history of science. The history of science materials used in this program included 4 explicit method, which are Eii, Eij, Eik and Ea type, and 1 implicit method which is I type. The contents validity of this program was reviewed by the science education specialists. The results of the study were as follows: Students of experimental group showed statistically more significant increase in academic achievement and science attitude than control group students. However, there was no significant difference on science process skill between the instruction by applying a teaching-learning program using the history of science and the traditional instruction. Since this program using the history of science is effective for the attitude improvement of elementary school students as well as academic achievement, it is highly likely to be used as the science education material for students with the low affective area.
history of science; teaching and learning program using the history of science; our body; elementary school students;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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