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Identification and characterization of laccase genes in the Flammulina velutipes var. lupinicola genome  

Yu, Hye-Won (Department of Medicinal Biosciences, Konkuk University)
Park, Young-Jin (Department of Medicinal Biosciences, Konkuk University)
Publication Information
Journal of Mushroom / v.19, no.4, 2021 , pp. 285-293 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the laccase genes of Flammulina velutipes var. lupinicola. Five laccase genes (g1934, g1937, g2415, g2539, g5858) were selected based on the copper binding site and signal peptide analysis results using the laccase gene selected from the F. velutipes var. lupinicola genome. The size of the laccase genes of F. velutipes var. lupinicola were 1,488 bp~1,662 bp. As a result of cDNA sequence analysis, 14 to 17 introns were identified in the laccase genes. The cleavage site predicted as the signal peptide of the laccase gene was found to be located between 20 bp and 34 bp from the N-terminus. In addition, separation and purification were performed to characterize the F. velutipes var. lupinicola laccases, and the optimal activity of the separated and purified proteins were analyzed by pH, temperature and time. Five bands with laccase activity were found from zymogram analysis. The optimal pH of the reaction was 5.5, the optimal temperature was found to be 40℃. Therefore, characterization of the laccase genes identified in this study should help in better understanding the biomass decomposition of F. velutipes var. lupinicola.
Bioinformatics; Flammulina velutipes var. lupinicola; Genome; Laccase;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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