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The Perception and Expectation about the Realities and Formations of Partnership between the Home and Early Childhood Educational Setting of Parents and Teachers: Foundation of Warm Educational Communities  

Chung, Kai Sook (부산대학교 유아교육과)
Kyun, Ju Youn (부산대학교 교육발전연구소)
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Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.11, no.3, 2015 , pp. 103-127 More about this Journal
This study is based on the criticism against life contempt tendency in the educational environment of our society. The purpose of this study is to find out the perception and expectation about the realities and formations of partnership between the home and early childhood educational setting of parents and teachers. The ultimate aim is to build a foundation which transforms educational settings into warm educational communities. The research participants were 4 mothers whose children attended the setting and 4 teachers of the early childhood educational setting (8 participants in total). The research results were as follows. The perception of the realities about partnership of parents and teachers was sub-categorized into four categories: 1)"partnership": essential aspect in children's positive development, 2) practicing with vague concepts, 3) lacking the awareness of companion or partnership, 4) disturbing cooperation between parents and teachers from external issues and problems. The expectation of parents and teachers about formation of partnership between home and early childhood educational setting was sub-categorized into five categories: 1) building of community consciousness for better partnership, 2) developing empathy and communication skills between parents and teachers for mutual understanding, 3) considering various strategies to promote partnership with different styles of parents, 4) activating teacher training and parent education in link with local universities and on-line, 5) providing support from the national level to establish new relationships between home and educational settings. Consequently, it will lead early childhood education settings to be transformed into warm educational communities which orientate respect for life.
parents(home); teachers(educational settings); partnership; educational community;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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