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A Study on the Effect of Customer Orientation to Customer Performance According to Service Mechanism/
[Suh, Chang-Juck;Kwon, Yeong-Hoon;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
On Implementation of Integrated Maintenance System in Underwater Guided Weapon/
[Shin, J.H.;Yun, W.Y.;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
A Six Sigma Methodology and Case Study on Transactional Processes/
[Cho, Nam-Wook;Cho, Chi-Woon;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
A Study on the Classification of KTX Customers by the Kano Model and Customer Satisfaction and Switching Barriers : Comparing with the Airline and Express Bus Customers/
[Yoo, Han-Joo;Song, Gwang-Suk;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
On Tolerance Analysis Using Inflation Factors/
[Seo, Sun-Keun;Cho, You-Hee;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
The Antecedent and Consequences of Internal Service Quality/
[Kang, Gi-Du;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
Practical Experimental Design Strategy and Analysis for the Comparison of Two Treatments/
[Lim, Yong-Bin;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
A Study on Systematic Development of Military Logistic Support System to Improve the Operational Availability for Underwater Guided Weapon/
[Shin, Ju-Hwan;Yun, Won-Young;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
Conjoint Analysis for the Development of New Cellular Phone/
[Kim, Bu-Yong;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005    
EWMA Control Charts with Variable Parameter/
[Lee, Jae-Heon;Han, Jung-Hee;] / Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management / 2005