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Perception on Impact of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystem in Protected Area of West Bengal, India/
[Dey, Tanusri;Pala, Nazir A.;Shukla, Gopal;Pal, Prabhat K.;Chakravarty, Sumit;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Social Capital in Mangrove Management: A Case Study in Lampung Province, Indonesia/
[Qurniati, Rommy;Hidayat, Wahyu;Kaskoyo, Hari;Firdasari, Firdasari;Inoue, Makoto;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Effects of Mixed Plantation on Growth and Biomass Yield of Two Common Plantation Trees of Bangladesh/
[Dutta, Shourav;Hossain, Mohammed Kamal;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Effect of Spray-drying Condition and Surfactant Addition on Morphological Characteristics of Spray-dried Nanocellulose/
[Park, Chan-Woo;Han, Song-Yi;Namgung, Hyun-Woo;Seo, Pureun-Narae;Lee, Seung-Hwan;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Relationship between Tree Species Diversity and Carbon Stock Density in Moist Deciduous Forest of Western Himalayas, India/
[Shahid, Mohommad;Joshi, Shambhu Prasad;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
A Checklist of Mushrooms of Cambodia/
[Kim, Nam Kyu;Lee, Jin Heung;Jo, Jong Won;Lee, Jong Kyu;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Thinning Intensity for Large Diameter Trees in Korean White Pine Plantation of South Korea/
[Lee, Daesung;Seo, Yeongwan;Park, Jiyoung;Choi, Jungkee;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Ecological Attributes by Forest Types in the Natural Forest of Mt. Odae/
[Choi, Yeong Hwa;Kim, Ji Hong;Chung, Sang Hoon;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Evaluation of a Land Use Change Matrix in the IPCC's Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry Area Sector Using National Spatial Information/
[Park, Jeongmook;Yim, Jongsu;Lee, Jungsoo;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017    
Ethnobotany of Wild Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.): A Way Forward for Species Domestication and Conservation in Sudan/
[Gurashi, N.A.;Kordofani, M.A.Y.;Adam, Y.O.;] / Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / 2017