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Journal of Drive and Control(드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤)   DOI

  • Publisher : The Korean Society for Fluid Power and Construction Equipment(유공압건설기계학회)
  • Foundation Date : 2004-03-01
  • Language : kor
  • ISSN : 2671-7972
  • WebOfScience SUBJECT : Energy &fuels; Engineering, Mechanical; Mechanics

Cited Journal Data Citing Journal Data
Indicators 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
① Docs. 50 30 46 52 51 37 41
② Docs. (2years) 78 89 80 76 98 103 88
③ Docs. (3years) 112 128 119 126 128 149 140
④ Docs. (5years) 174 205 192 204 217 229 216
⑤ Refs. 485 297 555 577 799 334 465
⑥ Cited 3 2 4 8 10 3 1
⑦ Cited (2years) 18 20 64 81 96 37 21
⑧ Cited (3years) 21 21 69 93 102 43 53
⑨ Cited (5years) 30 28 74 104 107 51 110
⑩ Self Cited 3 1 4 8 6 3 0
⑪ Self Cited (2years) 11 15 57 75 87 25 18
⑫ Self Cited (3years) 12 16 59 85 91 28 48
⑬ Self Cited (5years) 16 19 62 92 95 30 102
ⓐ Impact Factor (2years) [⑦/②] 0.231 0.225 0.8 1.066 0.98 0.359 0.239
ⓑ Impact Factor (3years) [⑧/③] 0.188 0.164 0.58 0.738 0.797 0.289 0.379
ⓒ Impact Factor (5years) [⑨/④] 0.172 0.137 0.385 0.51 0.493 0.223 0.509
ⓓ Immediacy Index [⑥/①] 0.06 0.067 0.087 0.154 0.196 0.081 0.024
ⓔ ZIF (2years) [(⑦-⑪)/②] 0.09 0.056 0.088 0.079 0.092 0.117 0.034
ⓕ ZIF (3years) [(⑧-⑫)/③] 0.08 0.039 0.084 0.063 0.086 0.101 0.036
ⓖ ZIF (5years) [(⑨-⑬)/④] 0.08 0.044 0.063 0.059 0.055 0.092 0.037
ⓗ Self Citing Rate [⑩/⑤] 0.006 0.003 0.007 0.014 0.008 0.009 0
ⓘ Self Cited Rate [⑩/⑥] 1 0.5 1 1 0.6 1 0

1. Docs.

2. Refs.

3. Cited.