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Relationship between the Polymorphisms of 5' Regulation Region of Prolactin Gene and Milk Traits in Chinese Holstein Dairy Cows
Li, J.T.;Wang, A.H.;Chen, P.;Li, H.B.;Zhang, C.S.;Du, L.X.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.459-462,
2 |
Estimation of Genetic Variation in Holstein Young Bulls of Iran AI Station Using Molecular Markers
Rahimi, G.;Nejati-Javaremi, A.;Saneei, D.;Olek, K.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.463-467,
3 |
Genetic Parameter Estimates for Ultrasonic Meat Qualities in Hanwoo Cows
Lee, D.H.;Choudhary, V.;Lee, G.H.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.468-474,
4 |
Studies on Genetic Variation of Different Chinese Duck Populations with Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis
Su, Y.;Liu, C.W.;Liu, L.;Ye, C.H.;Cao, W.Q.;Huang, Y.Q.;Zheng, J.;Cai, D.Y.;Olowofeso, O.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.475-481,
5 |
Mitochondrial DNA Diversity of Korean Native Goats
Odahara, S.;Chung, H.J.;Choi, S.H.;Yu, S.L.;Sasazaki, S.;Mannen, H.;Park, C.S.;Lee, J.H.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.482-485,
6 |
The Cryoprotective Effect on Frozen-thawed Boar Semen of Egg Yolk Low Density Lipoproteins
Hu, Jian-hong;Li, Qing-Wang;Li, Gang;Chen, Xiao-Yu;Hai-Yang, Hai-Yang;Zhang, Shu-Shan;Wang, Li-Qiang;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.486-494,
7 |
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Has Beneficial Effect Independent of Serum Components throughout Oocyte Maturation and Early Embryonic Development in Cattle
Luo, Hailing;Kimura, Koji;Hirako, Makoto;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.495-499,
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Effect of Dietary Vitamin E Supplementation on Serum α-Tocopherol and Immune Status of Crossbred Calves
Samanta, A.K.;Dass, R.S.;Rawat, Mayank;Mishra, S.C.;Mehra, U.R.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.500-506,
9 |
Factors Affecting In vitro True Digestibility of Napiergrass
Chen, Chia-Sheng;Wang, Su-Min;Hsu, Jih-Tay;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.507-513,
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Short-term Response of Vegetation to Cattle Grazing in an Abandoned Orchard in Southwestern Japan
Hayashi, K.;Ikeda, K.;Ueda, A.;Fumita, T.;Etoh, T.;Gotoh, T.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.514-520,
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Effect of Flushing on Nutrient Utilization and Reproductive Performance of Ewes Grazing on Community Rangeland
Chaturvedi, O.H.;Bhatta, Raghavendra;Verma, D.L.;Singh, N.P.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.521-525,
12 |
Effects of Ensiling Alfalfa with Whole-crop Maize on the Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of Silage Mixtures
Ozturk, Durmus;Kizilsimsek, Mustafa;Kamalak, Adem;Canbolat, Onder;Ozkan, Cagri Ozgur;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.526-532,
13 |
Evaluation of Fermentation Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Green Tea Waste Ensiled with Byproducts Mixture for Ruminants
Kondo, Makoto;Kita, Kazumi;Yokota, Hiro-omi;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.533-540,
14 |
Voluntary Intake of Insoluble Granite-grit Offered in Free Choice by Broilers: Its Effect on Their Digestive Tract Traits and Performances
Garipoglu, Ali Vaiz;Erener, Guray;Ocak, Nuh;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.549-553,
15 |
Effect of Genotype on Whole-body and Intestinal Metabolic Response to Monensin in Mice
Fan, Y.K.;Croom, W.J.;Daniel, Linda;McBride, B.W.;Koci, M.;Havenstein, G.B.;Eisen, E.J.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.554-562,
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Effect of Dietary Fat-soluble Vitamins on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Growing Pigs
Lohakare, J.D.;Lee, S.H.;Chae, B.J.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.563-567,
17 |
Effects of Dietary Lysine Supplementation on the Performance of Lactating Sows and Litter Piglets during Different Seasons
Cheng, C.S.;Yen, H.T.;Hsu, J.C.;Roan, S.W.;Wu, J.F.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.568-572,
18 |
Effects of Additives on Laying Performance, Metabolic Profile, and Egg Quality of Hens Fed a High Level of Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) during the Peak Laying Period
Imik, H.;Hayirli, A.;Turgut, L.;Lacin, E.;Celebi, S.;Koc, F.;Yildiz, L.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.573-581,
19 |
Effects of Dietary Garlic Powder and Copper on Cholesterol Content and Quality Characteristics of Chicken Eggs
Lim, K.S.;You, S.J.;An, B.K.;Kang, C.W.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.582-586,
20 |
Effects of Dietary Bacillus-based Probiotic on Growth Performance, Nutrients Digestibility, Blood Characteristics and Fecal Noxious Gas Content in Finishing Pigs
Chen, Y.J.;Min, B.J.;Cho, J.H.;Kwon, O.S.;Son, K.S.;Kim, H.J.;Kim, I.H.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.587-592,
21 |
Effect of Breed (Lean or Fat Pigs) and Sex on Performance and Feeding Behaviour of Group Housed Growing Pigs in a Tropical Climate
Renaudeau, D.;Giorgi, M.;Silou, F.;Weisbecker, J.L.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.593-600,
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Study on Extraction of Mucopolysaccharide-protein Containing Chondroitin Sulfate from Chicken Keel Cartilage
Shin, S.C.;You, S.J.;An, B.K.;Kang, C.W.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.601-604,
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pH and Colour Characteristics of Carcasses of Broilers Fed with Dietary Probiotics and Slaughtered at Different Ages
Karaoglu, Mevulut;Aksu, M.I.;Esenbuga, N.;Macit, M.;Durdag, H.;
Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies
, v.19, no.4, pp.605-610,