Fish pathology is one of the main scientific bases upon which this expansion in aquaculture has been dependent and requires a wide knowledge of the environmental constraints, the physiology and characteristics of the various pathogens, the responses of the host and the methods by which they may be controlled. The primary disease and parasite problems in aquaculture animals relate to viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoan epizootics. Parasitic nematodes, trematodes and cestodes are commonly found in aquaculture animals, but seldom are they present in concentrations sufficinet to cause significant problems. When an epizootic does occur and chemical treatment is indicated, the appropriate chemical must be selected and properly applied. We have antibiotics, sulfa, nitrofuran and other chemicals for treatment of fish diseases. Some may be mixed with the fred during formulation, added to the pellets of feed as a surface coating, given in the dorm of an injection or used as a bath. Even though a drug or chemical has been officially approved for use in aquaculture, the substance should never be used unless there is a clear need. Some of the reasions for this view are as follows: (1) the constant use of antibiotics can lead to the development of resistant strains of bacteria, (2) biofilter efficiency may be impaired or destroyed by chemicals added to closed recirculating water systems, and (3) the injudicious use of chemicals can have a damaging effect on the environment as well as on human.