The Korean name "Bizooki" tree was named by the shape of winter bud which is like a slim bow. There are four scientific names in the tree which are Cleyera japonica Thunberg, Cleyera ochnacea DC, Sakakia ochnacea Nakai, and Ternstroemia gymnanthera. And the English name are Japanese Ternstroemia and Japanese Cleyera. "Bizooki" tree has planted at Buddhist temples in Japan for the ritual. The best result of stem cutting in "Bizooki" tree, 100 percent of rooting, could be accomplished in July when cuttings were done on the mixture-soil containing the same rates by volume of vermiculite, peatmoss and perlite with cuts processed with IBA 1,000 mg/l under the circumstances that 70% of shade, plastic mulching, and mist were conditioned.