Numerical solution of static and spatial kinetics self-adjoint angular flux neutron transport equation

  • Duoyu Jiang (Xi'an Research Institute of Hi-Tech) ;
  • Peng Xu (Xi'an Research Institute of Hi-Tech) ;
  • Tianliang Hu (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) ;
  • Xinbiao Jiang (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) ;
  • Lipeng Wang (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) ;
  • Lu Cao (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) ;
  • Da Li (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) ;
  • Lixin Chen (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology)
  • 투고 : 2024.03.17
  • 심사 : 2024.06.12
  • 발행 : 2024.11.25


This paper elucidates a comprehensive derivation of the variational formulation pertaining to the static and spatial kinetics self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) neutron transport equation. The methodology employed for discretization of the spatial variable is the finite element method, while the energy group discretization is executed via the group method, and the directional discretization is conducted using the discrete ordinates method. Analytic expressions for the discretization to variable separation under both vacuum and reflective boundary conditions are furnished. Constructed upon the MOOSE framework, a code designated as SAAFCGSN has been developed for the resolution of the SAAF neutron transport equation. The zero-order scattering matrix within this computational framework is managed through an innovative "decoupling" method, thereby enhancing the computational efficiency significantly. The functionality and robustness of the SAAFCGSN code are corroborated through meticulous evaluation involving seven distinct steady-state scenarios as well as two transient states. Empirical outcomes verify the compatibility of the SAAFCGSN code with both structured and unstructured mesh, inclusive of their amalgamations, thus facilitating maintenance and ensuring elevated computational accuracy. In addition, a performance analysis benchmarked against IAEA standards reveals that the adoption of the scattering matrix "decoupling" method propels a computational speed increase exceeding 30 %, signifying a notable advancement in calculation efficiency.



This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant numbers 12205237 and 12275219.


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