Nonlinear analysis and control with nonlinear driving terms for small-emittance storage ring

  • Bonghoon Oh (Department of Accelerator Science, Korea University) ;
  • Jinjoo Ko (Department of Accelerator Science, Korea University) ;
  • Seunghwan Shin (Department of Accelerator Science, Korea University) ;
  • Jaehyun Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH) ;
  • Jaeyu Lee (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH) ;
  • Gyeongsu Jang (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.29
  • 심사 : 2024.06.11
  • 발행 : 2024.11.25


Storage rings that use the hybrid multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattice concept [1] have been realized. The main characteristics of hybrid MBA as a typical lattice for a 4th generation storage ring are to adopt two large dispersion bumps in cell, and to make a -I-transformation between two dispersion bumps to cancel nonlinear effects. To increase the effectiveness of nonlinear control, analytical investigation of nonlinear phenomenon is essential. In this paper, we describe analytical investigation with a nonlinear driving term and simple model. We obtained similar results to the existing time-consuming MOGA optimization, but use a simplex optimizer with fewer nonlinear control knobs.



We thank Michael Borland for providing helpful information and many useful discussions through the Elegant forum. This work was supported by a Korea University Grant and also by the International Science and Business Belt Program through the Ministry of Science and ICT (2023-SB-SB-0084-02).


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