Incorporating Deep Median Networks for Arabic Document Retrieval Using Word Embeddings-Based Query Expansion

  • Yasir Hadi Farhan (Department of Medical Physics, College of Applied Sciences, University of Fallujah) ;
  • Mohanaad Shakir (Department of Management Information System (MIS), College of Business (COB), University of Buraimi (UOB)) ;
  • Mustafa Abd Tareq (Department of Computer Science, University of Technology-Iraq) ;
  • Boumedyen Shannaq (Department of Management Information System (MIS), College of Business (COB), University of Buraimi (UOB))
  • 투고 : 2023.10.10
  • 심사 : 2024.05.09
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


The information retrieval (IR) process often encounters a challenge known as query-document vocabulary mismatch, where user queries do not align with document content, impacting search effectiveness. Automatic query expansion (AQE) techniques aim to mitigate this issue by augmenting user queries with related terms or synonyms. Word embedding, particularly Word2Vec, has gained prominence for AQE due to its ability to represent words as real-number vectors. However, AQE methods typically expand individual query terms, potentially leading to query drift if not carefully selected. To address this, researchers propose utilizing median vectors derived from deep median networks to capture query similarity comprehensively. Integrating median vectors into candidate term generation and combining them with the BM25 probabilistic model and two IR strategies (EQE1 and V2Q) yields promising results, outperforming baseline methods in experimental settings.



We express our gratitude to the LDC for granting us the LDC2001T55 Arabic Newswire Part 1 without any charges and for presenting us with the LDC Data Scholarship in the autumn of 2012. This study is partially supported by the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia grant: DCP-2017-007/4.


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