Breaking the Code of Silence: A Qualitative Exploration of Cyberbullying Through the Lens of Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action

  • January Febro, Naga (Department of Information Technology, College of Computer Studies, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Philippines College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University) ;
  • Joshua Isaguirre (College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, De La Salle University-Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University) ;
  • Elanie Vizconde (Technological University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University) ;
  • Raymund Sison (College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University)
  • 투고 : 2023.01.08
  • 심사 : 2024.04.21
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


This qualitative study explores cyberbullying among college students through Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action to examine the dissonance between online interactions and principles of rational discourse. Cyberbullying is a pervasive issue in digital communication that undermines logical, evidence-based conversation, fostering environments where misinformation, manipulation, and harm thrive. By analyzing case studies from three universities, the research identifies the characteristics, dynamics, and emotional impacts of cyberbullying on victims, highlighting the role of social media platforms in facilitating these negative interactions. The findings reveal significant challenges to authentic and equal online conversations, driven by power imbalances and a lack of genuine communication, leading to psychological distress, erosion of self-esteem, and changes in behavior among victims. The study underscores the potential of social media design and policy interventions to mitigate cyberbullying, emphasizing the need for educational programs, technological solutions, and community support to promote a safer, more respectful digital environment. Key themes include the dynamics of cyberbullying, the suppression of rational discourse, the psychological and emotional consequences of inauthentic communication, and strategies for resilience and recovery. The research contributes to understanding cyberbullying's complexities and suggests a multifaceted approach to addressing it, aligning with Habermas's ideal of communicative rationality to foster healthier online communities. Future research should further explore the intersection of technology design, user behavior, and regulatory policies to combat cyberbullying effectively.



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