A Systematic Literature Review on Sensing Architecture Integrating Physiological Signals and AI

생체 데이터와 AI의 통합을 활용한 감성 건축 : 감성 건축의 연구 경향 분석

  • Cho, Ju-Eun (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Hong, Yi-Yeon (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Jun, Han-Jong (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University)
  • Received : 2024.03.27
  • Accepted : 2024.05.22
  • Published : 2024.06.30


The research explores how physiological signals and AI can be integrated into architecture to create sensing architecture. The research aims to explore the potential for creating more responsive and user-centric architectural environments by utilizing physiological signals such as EEG (Electroencephalography), EDA (Electrodermal Activity), ECG (Electrocardiography), EMG (Electromyography), and Eye-Tracking, alongside advanced AI technologies. This paper conducts a systematic literature review following PRISMA guidelines to analyze thirty-five scientific articles, aiming to explore current and future applications of AI and physiological signals in architectural design and user interaction. By combining AI and physiological signals, architects will be able to create buildings that adapt to and reflect users' emotional states and needs. Additionally, this integration is seen as a crucial factor in achieving sustainable and personalized architectural solutions, representing a significant shift towards environments that prioritize environmental sustainability. The expected impact of these technological advances indicates a shift in architectural design practices towards creating spaces that engage with and adapt to its users, leading to a new frontier in emotional architecture.



이 연구는 2022년도 한국연구재단 연구비 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임. 과제번호:2022R1A2C3011796


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