Contract Farming of Raw Cabbage for Making Kimchi, Led by Local Traders of Agricultural Produce, and Changes Brought to the Agriculture of the Contract Area

산지유통인이 주도하는 김치제조용 원료배추의 계약생산과 계약지역의 농업 변화

  • Seoyoen Kim (Jowon High School) ;
  • Youngjin Jang (Department of Geography Education, Korea National University of Education)
  • Received : 2024.03.18
  • Published : 2024.03.31


The purpose of this study is to identify the role of each party in relation to the contract farming of cabbage which is taking place under the contract between the local trader of agricultural produce that supplies raw cabbage to company "D," a manufacturer of kimchi, and the cabbage farm where the cabbage is grown, and to describe the changes brought by the contract farming to the agriculture of the contract area. As a result of the study, it was discovered that, while the farming of cabbage in the contract area used to be led by farmers, it is now increasingly being controlled by the local traders of agricultural produce. First, as the key player in the decision-making related to the cabbage farming in the main cabbage producing areas, local traders of agricultural produce are replacing the role of farmers by supervising the entire production process and controlling the overall cabbage farming in the contract area. Second, in the main cabbage producing areas, local traders of agricultural produce are becoming a key farming entity by carrying out functions that are comparable to those of farmers and playing a major role in the second half of the agricultural work at the farms in the contract area. This can be considered as the result of the balance between the demands of the local traders of agricultural produce who need to secure contract volume and manage the quality of their produce and the demands of the farmers in key cabbage producing areas who are facing difficulties due to the increase in the number of elderly farmers and a shortage of manpower.

본 연구는 김치제조업체 D기업에 원료배추를 공급하는 산지유통인과 배추 주산지 농가 간 계약생산을 대상으로 사례 계약생산의 주체별 역할을 규명하고 계약생산에 의한 계약지역의 농업 변화를 설명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 결과 계약지역에서 배추농업을 주도하는 핵심 주체는 농업인으로부터 산지유통인으로 변화되고 있음이 확인되었다. 첫째, 산지유통인은 주산지 배추농업 의사결정의 핵심 주체로서 생산의 전과정을 총괄하면서 계약지역 배추농업 전반을 통제함에 따라 농업인의 역할을 대체하고 있다. 둘째, 산지유통인은 계약농가의 후반기 농작업을 전담함에 따라 배추 주산지에서 농업인에 버금가는 핵심적인 영농 주체로 부상하고 있다. 이는 계약 물량 확보 및 품질 관리에 대한 산지유통인의 요구와 고령농의 증가 및 인력 부족 문제를 겪고 있는 주산지 농가의 요구가 맞아 떨어진 결과라 할 수 있다.



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