외식업체의 무인주문결제 키오스크 도입 의도 : 프랜차이즈 마케팅과 밴드왜건 효과

Examining Bandwagon Effects on the Adoption of Kiosks for the Restaurant Owners

  • Sung Wook KIM (Department of Digital Convergence Business, Graduate School, Yeungnam University & Eco Safe Zone) ;
  • Sungsoo Hwang (Department of Public Administration, Yeungnam University)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.21
  • 심사 : 2024.03.07
  • 발행 : 2024.03.30


Purpose: This study empirically examines the bandwagon effects on the adoption of Kiosks for the restaurants' owners. Utilizing Davis (1989)'s Technology Acceptance Model as a framework, this study contributes to the literature by adding a bandwagon effect variable. Bandwagon effect has been studied extensively on the consumer marketing domain in terms of end-user behavior, but not on the business owners' willingness to invest on the new technology. Research design, data, and methodology: Davis (1989)' Technology Acceptance Model with added a bandwagon effect variable was set as a theoretical model. Data was collected via survey instrument from restaurants' owners who purchased or are considering a Kiosk. Structural Equation Modeling was used to empirically test the proposed model. Results: Results show that bandwagon effect is indirectly affecting to the adoption of Kiosks via perceived usefulness, trustworthiness, and interests. The bandwagon effects are NOT directly affecting the adoption of Kiosks. Conclusion: The findings suggest that buyers of Kiosks as storeowners (not end users) consider buying them after storeowners check perceived interests and trustworthiness from others. Thus, there could be a practical implication that it is important to illustrate perceived interests for the business to the storeowners when marketing new technology.



This work was supported by the 2023 Yeungnam University Research Grant


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