Apple's Semiconductor Internalization Strategy

애플의 반도체 내재화 전략

  • H.S. Chun ;
  • S.M. Kim
  • 전황수 (미래전략연구실) ;
  • 김성민 (미래전략연구실)
  • Published : 2023.06.01


The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease in 2020 caused a global semiconductor supply shortage and disruption in the production of devices such as iPhones owing to China's quarantine lockdown. Thus, Apple is diversifying its production bases from China to countries like India and Vietnam. The company is also accelerating semiconductor development to guarantee a stable supply, reduce design costs, and customize semiconductors with high quality and outstanding specifications for their products to outperform devices that use general-purpose semiconductors. Following the mobile application processor, Apple is releasing world-class semiconductors, such as the M1 and M2 chips that play the role of central processing units.



이 논문은 [23ZR1460, ICT 국가기술전략 정책연구] 과제 수행의 일환으로 작성되었음.


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