Evaluation of unilateral buckling of steel plates in composite concrete-steel shear walls

  • Received : 2022.12.30
  • Accepted : 2023.09.05
  • Published : 2023.10.25


To increase the stiffness and strength of a reinforced concrete shear wall, steel plates are bolted to the sides of the wall. The general behavior of a composite concrete-steel shear wall is dependent on the buckling of the steel plates that should be prevented. In this paper, the unilateral buckling of steel plates of a composite shear wall is studied using the Rayleigh-Ritz method. To model the unilateral buckling of steel plate, the restraining concrete wall is described as an elastic foundation with high stiffness in compression and zero stiffness in tension. To consider the effect of bolt connections on the plate's buckling, a constrained optimization problem is solved by using Lagrange multipliers method. This process is used to obtain the critical elastic local buckling coefficients of unilaterally-restrained steel plates with various numbers of bolts, subjected to pure compression, bending and shear loading, and the interaction between them. Using these results, the spacing between shear bolts in composite steel plate shear walls is estimated and compared with the results of the AISC seismic provisions (2016). The results show that the AISC seismic provisions(2016) are overly conservative in obtaining the spacing between shear bolts.



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