퍼스널 컬러 메이크업 컨설팅 만족도가 대인관계 향상에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Satisfaction in Personal Color Makeup Consulting on the Improvement of Personal Relations

  • 김향미 (송원대학교 뷰티예술학과) ;
  • 김금란 (송원대학교 뷰티예술학과)
  • Hyangmi Kim (Dept. of Beauty and Arts Songwon University) ;
  • Geumran Kim (Dept. of Beauty and Arts Songwon University)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.06
  • 심사 : 2023.07.28
  • 발행 : 2023.08.28


This study investigated the causes and effects of personal colors consulting that are considered as a new lifestyle and revitalized personal relations, and provides an understanding of the effects personal color makeup satisfaction have on personal relations. We provide basic data for future personal color and beauty industry development and image consulting. This study surveyed male and female subjects 20-50 years of age nationwide, using a Google questionnaire. The survey lasted from May 7-26, 2023. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed, of which 256 (130 males, 126 females) were used for the final analysis, insincere responses having been discarded. SPSS 25.0 was used fand a frequency test, exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis, and Cronbach's ? were conducted for statistical results. In addition, descriptive statistics, correlations analysis and regression analysis were conducted. As a result, as personal color makeup consulting satisfaction levels were high, it had a positive effect on confidence, positiveness, favorability, positive tendencies, and sociability, which indicates that personal relations were improved through personal color makeup. It is suggested that, as this study was confined to makeup and the subjects were mainly men, further studies should supplement this focus area of fashion, and the gender balance of study subjects should be adjusted for intensified results.



이 논문은 2023년도 송원대학교 학술연구비지원을 받아 연구되었음(A2023-03).


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