The Understanding of the blended instruction in the College focused on the preference to the type of blended instruction

대학에서의 블렌디드 수업에 관한 소고 -수업 선호도를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2023.08.04
  • Accepted : 2023.08.20
  • Published : 2023.08.31


Expectations and interests in blended learning are increasing as universities respond to the educational flow of transition to e-lernring. This study tried to explore and understand the meaning of and the properties of blended instruction. In addition, through the literature review, this study was to find out how bleanded learning affected in teaching and learning situation. Particularly, it was to find out students' preference to the type of blended instruction. Those types are the mixed of or the unique of class instruction(off line), on line, and recorded instruction. To investigate learners' preference to the type of the instruction and also the reason of the preference, in this study, the 27 undergraduate students of the fourth grade in the major of mathematics education in the C university located in G area. By the result, most students preferred the mixed type of instruction involving off line and recorded instruction. The reason is that they could attend to the class while participating in the group activity positively and understand the content through the communication in depth and the instructor's feedback. Because of this reason, they did not prefer to the only one type insturction such as the recorded type.



이 논문은 2022년도 조선대학교 연구지원금의 지원을 받아 연구되었음.


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