일제강점기 조선총독부의 초등학교 수학 교과서 발행 실태 조사 연구

A historical research on the actual state of the publication of elementary school mathematics textbooks by the Government-General of Joseon during the Japanese colonial period

  • 투고 : 2023.02.24
  • 심사 : 2023.06.22
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


In the history of elementary school mathematics education in Korea, the period led by the Government-General of Joseon during the Japanese colonial period cannot be omitted. As a way to grasp the real state of elementary school mathematics education at that time, there is a method of analyzing elementary school mathematics textbooks published by the Government-General of Joseon. However, the actual state of the publication of them was not sufficiently known. For this reason, this study surveys the actual state of the publication of those textbooks. To this end, real information on textbooks owned currently by various institutions and information on the publication of those textbooks in the official gazette and documents of the Government-General of Joseon were checked and organized.



  1. CHO Youngmi, Study on elementary mathematics education during the Japanese colonial period, The Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics 29(1) (2019), 45-69.
  2. HONG Jin-Kon, PARK Sam-Hun, Elementary mathematics education of colonial Korea, The Korean Journal of Japanology 95 (2013). 283-295.
  3. KIM Min Kyeong, KIM Kyung-Ja, An analysis on the San-Sul-Kwa textbook under the rule of Japanese imperialism(1909-1945), Journal for History of Mathematics 17(3) (2004), 43-60.
  4. LEE Sang Gu, NOH Ji Hwa, Song Sung Yell, Educational policy and curriculums of Korean school mathematics in the Late 19th and early 20th century, Communications of Mathematical Education 23(4) (2009), 1093-1130.
  5. LEE Sang-Gu et al, Mathematics Textbook in Korea (1880-2016), Communications of Mathematical Education 31(1) (2017), 149-177.
  6. LEE Seung Gu, PARK Bung-Bae, LEE Chang Soon, A Survey of a List of Textbooks Published during the Last Period of the Daehan Empire and the Rule of Japan, Korea Textbook Research Foundation, 2001.
  7. The Government-General of Joseon, List of Textbooks, the sixth edition of the revision, 1912.
  8. The Government-General of Joseon, List of Textbooks, the seven edition of the revision, 1913.
  9. The Government-General of Joseon, List of Textbooks, the eighth edition of the revision, 1914.
  10. The Government-General of Joseon, List of Textbooks, the ninth edition of the revision, 1915.
  11. The Government-General of Joseon, List of Textbooks, the eleventh edition of the revision, 1917.
  12. The Government-General of Joseon, The Bulletin of Editing Textbooks, the first series, 1938.
  13. The Government-General of Joseon, The Bulletin of Editing Textbooks, the third series, 1939.
  14. The Government-General of Joseon, The Bulletin of Editing Textbooks, the fourth series, 1939.
  15. The Government-General of Joseon, The Bulletin of Editing Textbooks, the fifth series, 1940.
  16. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 1936, page 8 (1919. 01. 23, publication of textbooks).
  17. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 1999, page 8 (1919. 04. 11, publication of textbooks).
  18. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 2255, page 11 (1920. 02. 20, publication of textbooks).
  19. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 2839, page 10 (1922. 02. 01, revision of prices of textbooks).
  20. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3150, page 1 (1923. 02. 13, a matter of using textbooks).
  21. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3453, page 10 (1924. 02. 20, publication of textbooks).
  22. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3051, page 8 (1937. 03. 19, publication of textbooks).
  23. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3231, page 7 (1937. 10. 21, publication of textbooks).
  24. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3347, page 6 (1938. 03. 16, publication of textbooks).
  25. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3500, page 9 (1938. 09. 14, publication of textbooks).
  26. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3627, page 6 (1939. 02. 23, publication of textbooks).
  27. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 3788, page 10 (1939. 09. 04, publication of textbooks).
  28. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 4505, page 5 (1942. 02. 04, publication of textbooks).
  29. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 4524, page 4 (1942. 02. 27, prices of textbooks).
  30. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 4651, page 20 (1942. 07. 30, publication of textbooks).
  31. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 4731, page 3 (1942. 11. 06, publication of textbooks).
  32. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 4972, page 3 (1943. 08. 27, publication of textbooks).
  33. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 5042, page 4 (1943. 11. 22, publication of textbooks).
  34. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 5282, page 9 (1944. 09. 11, publication of textbooks).
  35. The official gazette of the Government-General of Joseon no. 5485, page 3 (1945. 05. 19, revision of prices of textbooks).