Platform Labor and Shadow Work of Platform Workers: Examining their Effects on Job Burnout and Turnover Intention

플랫폼 노동자의 플랫폼노동과 그림자노동: 직무소진 및 이직의도와의 관계 검증

  • Received : 2023.03.24
  • Accepted : 2023.05.15
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Purpose In online delivery platforms, platform workers are required to perform both platform labor, which is compensated with immediate wages, and shadow work which is a kind of unpaid job to support the platform labor. Thus, the objective of this study is to empirically examine how platform workers' platform labor and shadow work affect their job burnout and their turnover intention in the online delivery platform context. Design/methodology/approach This study developed a research model by employing platform labor and shadow work to influence job burnout and turnover intention. This study also tested the model by partial least square techniques after collecting 169 cross-sectional data from food delivery riders in Korea. Findings This study found that both platform labor and shadow work affected platform workers' job burnout. In addition, the results showed that shadow work influenced their turnover intention while platform labor did not affect the turnover intention. Based on the results, this study contributed to relevant researchers who are interested in platform contexts by offering measurable constructs on platform labor and shadow work. In addition, this study could provide practitioners with practical implications on managing platform workers.



이 연구는 2022학년도 대구대학교 연구년 결과물로 제출됨.


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