부유식 해상풍력 개발사례를 통한 해상풍력단지 조성 방안 연구 - 노르웨이 사례를 중심으로

A Study on Offshore Wind Farm Development through a Review of Floating Offshore Wind Power Project Cases in Norway

  • 김태윤 (한국환경연구원 환경평가본부 ) ;
  • 맹준호 (한국환경연구원 환경평가본부 )
  • Taeyun Kim ;
  • Jun-Ho Maeng
  • 투고 : 2022.12.27
  • 심사 : 2023.04.05
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


This study focuses on proposing measures for the reasonable development of offshore wind farms using the case of Norway, which was the first nation in the world to build a floating offshore wind farm of 80 MW or more. Norwegian authorities conducted a strategic environment assessment in 2012 to select offshore wind farm sites, discovered 15 potential sites, and finally decided on two designated sites in 2020. Based on various survey data such as seabirds, marine environment, and fishing activities, scientific-based spatial analysis was conducted to select additional offshore wind farm sites in line with future development plans. In addition, a government-led steering committee and advisory group have established marine spatial plans since 2002. Therefore, it will be possible to listen to and coordinate the opinions of stakeholders by using the steering committee and advisory group for offshore wind power development. By examining the case of Norway, we suggest the following policy points that can achieve carbon neutrality and develop sustainable offshore wind farms: 1. Establish a government-led steering committee and advisory group that can select potential sites for offshore wind farms by coordinating the opinions of stakeholders 2. Induce efficient and sequential offshore wind farm development by using various survey data and scientific-based spatial analysis.



본 논문은 한국환경연구원에서 환경부의 수탁과제로 수행된 「해상풍력발전 환경영향 조사평가 고도화 방안 연구 1(2022-040) & 11(2023-046)」의 연구결과를 기초로 작성되었습니다. 논문의 완성도를 높이기 위하여 노르웨이 기후변화 환경부, 노르웨이 자원관리국 어업과, 노르웨이 해양연구소, 노르웨이 어선협회, 에퀴노르, 노르웨이 자연연구소(화상면담)를 방문하였을 때, 심층면담 및 상세한 설명과 구체적인 자료를 제공해 주신 많은 노르웨이 어업인과 전문가분들에게 감사드립니다. 또한 논문의 부족한 점에 대해서 좋은 의견을 주신 심사위원분들에게도 고마움을 전합니다.


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