수학 교사의 수업실천역량 향상을 위한 수업관찰도구의 역할

The Role of Classroom Observation Instruments in Supporting Mathematics Teachers' Instructional Change

  • Noh, Jihwa (Department of Mathematics Education Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.02.15
  • 심사 : 2023.02.23
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


Classroom observation instruments are often used to evaluate teachers' instructional practices and provide feedback to inform interventions or research studies, or professional development efforts. While designed as research tools, many classroom observation instruments can provide important information to support teachers' learning and instructional change by providing a focus for formative assessment or self-evaluation of practice. In this paper, we review two classroom observation tools and the protocols for their use with an implementation example for one of the tools. These tools are more foreign to the field compared to others but have features that might serve as affordances in relation to the purposes of a specific investigation.



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