기술지주회사 연구동향과 기업성과 향상을 위한 제언 : Project Management Office(PMO) 도입을 중심으로

Research Trends of Technology Holding Companies and Suggestions for improving Corporate Performance : Focusing on the introduction of PMO

  • 투고 : 2023.01.02
  • 심사 : 2023.02.14
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


Modern company faces an uncertain future and a competitive environment and are seeking new technologies and creative products to ensure the corporate growth and survival in the market through continuous innovation. "University Industry Cooperation(UIC)" is a point of contact for overcoming the crisis faced by companies and universities in this era and a cooperation platform for mutual prosperity. As a subsidiary of a university, "Technology Holding Company(THC)" is attracting attention as a new window for UIC in Korea. The role of THC is to establish and foster the business opportunities of their subsidiaries and to return investment profits to the university ecosystem again. But recently, the life cycle of technology is getting shorter, and the development cost is steadily increasing. In particular, with the increase of hybrid projects based on convergence and combination, the risk of conducting research(R&D) and new product development(NPD) projects is gradually increasing. A PMO refers to a project management organization that can contribute to improving the success rate of projects with increasing uncertainty by supporting project visibility and appropriate decision-making. The purpose of this study is to raise a research question on whether THC's corporate performance can be improved when "Project Management System(PMO Service)" is introduced into the subsidiary incubation system of THC. This study proposes several research methods to identify the relationship between the introduction of PMO and the corporate performance of THC.



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