일제강점기 한의약계 독립운동 유형과 특징

Types and Characteristics of the Korean Medicine community Independence Movement During the Japanese colonial period

  • PARK Kyung-mok (Dept. of Korean History, College of Liberal Arts, Chungnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.11.06
  • 심사 : 2023.11.21
  • 발행 : 2023.11.30


This study identifies 164 Korean medicine practitioners among the independence activists and describes the types and characteristics of their independence movements. Their occupations included apothecary pharmacist, herbalist, and medicine dealer. They originated from Gyeongbuk, Hamnam, Pyeongnam, and Gyeongnam, with a higher proportion of Hamnams compared to independence fighters. Their ages are concentrated in the 30s and 40s. Their movements are similar to those of independence heroes, in the order of domestic resistance, the March 1 Movement, and Manchurian resistance. The crimes are Security Law, Exorcism No. 7 of the 8th Reign of Daejeong, Public Order Maintenance Law, and attempted murder. In terms of sentences, the proportion of those sentenced to five years or more in prison is higher, and the proportion of those sentenced to less is lower. The above independence movements in Korean medicine practitioners are characterized by (1) the use of direct force, (2) long-term and planned struggle, (3) the provision of contact points and funding sources, (4) a nationalist line, and (5) low socialist-communist share.



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