Study on the assessment methodology for the PM10 generated from tire-dust considering the axle load of the truck according to the loading method

화물차 적재 방식에 따른 축 하중을 고려한 타이어 먼지 중 PM10 발생량 평가기법 연구

  • 이은정 (인천대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 이희관 (인천대학교 환경공학과 )
  • Published : 2022.12.30


Recently, regulations on automobile exhaust gas emission are being strengthened. Accordingly, automobile exhaust gas emissions are expected to decrease and continue to decrease. On the other hand, many countries do not yet consider the emission of non-exhaust air pollutants from automobiles as important. Automobile non-exhaust substances are classified into three categories: tire dust emissions, brake wear emissions, and road scattering dust. In particular, in the case of tire dust, research results exist that pollutant emissions increase as the weight of a vehicle increases. Since the weight of trucks varies according to the load and the load along the axles is also different, it can be expected that the emission of PM10 from the tire dust will be different depending on the loading method. Therefore, this study was conducted on the amount of PM10 generated in tire dust considering the axle load of the truck according to the loading method. However, it was confirmed that the total amount of PM10 was less than that all loads are loaded in the front or rear when the load was evenly distributed in the front and rear of the cargo compartment. In particular, if the load is distributed evenly in the front and back of the cargo compartment and the load in the front part is divided into 2 to 6 and loaded, as the number of divided loading increases the amount of PM10 generated decreases. And when the load is divided into 6 pieces, the total amount of PM10 generated is 0.3952g, the minimum value. If the load is divided into 6 or more and loaded evenly, the total PM10 generated continuously increases and converges to about 0.3964g.



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