황룡사 치미와 사용처의 건축조건 연구

A Study on the Chimi of Hwangnyongsa Temple and the Building Condition of Chimi Installed

  • 김숙경 (국립경주문화재연구소 학예연구실)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.18
  • 심사 : 2022.11.28
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


This paper is an architectural historical study on Chimi of Hwangnyongsa Temple. In this research, the shape and cross-section of the chimi are reviewed. The results of the study are as follows. The chimi is a form in which the head part facing the maru is omitted, and the upper and lower body are separated. The upper and lower bonds are assembled into a two types of joint throughout the side of the torso, and then bound with an iron strap. Because of the absence of ridge line in the front, and the narrow curved surface which makes the side plate close to the plane, the entire cross-section is triangular, and the rear plate maintains the shape of the chimi. The naerimmaru connected to the side of the chimi has a slope, so it is clear that the chimi was used on the woojingak-jibung(hipped-roof), and the wing part and back of the chimi are erected on the side roof. The height of the yongmaru and chunyeomaru is about the same and the roofing tiles of those are in contact. The roofing tiles of chunyemaru should be cut to fit the angle of the contacting part. The maru is 30 stories high of roofing tiles as a result of the on-board survey. Based on reference on the shape and timing of the production of chimi, the height of chimi, and the maru is believed to have been built before the Unified Silla Period and used in buildings with at least seven-kan frontage. Buildings corresponding to these construction conditions can be seen as Central hall and East hall in Hwangnyongsa temple.



이 논문은 국립경주문화재연구소 경주 월성 종합학술연구과제(NRICH-2205-B04F)로부터 지원받았음.


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