Vibration Damping Ratio Performance Evaluation According to the Polymer Mixing Rate of SBR-based Polymer Modified Mortar through Ultrasonic Pulse Analysis

초음파 펄스 분석을 통한 SBR계 폴리머 혼입 모르타르의 폴리머 혼입률에 따른 진 동감쇠비 성능 평가

  • Jeong, Min-Goo (Department of Smart City Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Jang, Jong-Min (Department of Smart City Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, Han-Seung (Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA Campus)
  • Received : 2022.10.19
  • Accepted : 2022.12.01
  • Published : 2022.12.20


The mechanical performance and vibration damping ratio performance of a specimen according to the polymer mixing rate were evaluated for polymer modified mortar. As a polymer, Styrene Butadiene Rubber(SBR) liquid polymer with a solid content of about 49~51% was used, and the polymer content was increased by liquid 5%. The specimen was 40*40*160(mm), and after curing, compressive strength, flexural strength, and vibration damping ratio were measured using the ultrasonic pulse method. As a result, it was found that the compressive strength decreased as the polymer was mixed, but the flexural strength was increased. The vibration damping ratio increased by 11% at 5% polymer, 28% at 10% polymer, 33% at 15% polymer, and 72 at 20% polymer. I was found that the incorporation of the polymer was very effective to reduce the vibration of the mortar. In addition, through SEM and SEM-EDS analysis, it is determined that the cause of vibration reduction due to polymer mixing is that the polymer film formed in the transition zone of aggregate and internal voids buffered the vibration of the mortar inside. Taken together, in the scope of this study, the appropriate polymer mixing ratio for reducing the vibration of mortar is judged to be about 7.5%.

폴리머 혼입 모르타르를 대상으로 폴리머 혼입률에 따른 실험체의 역학적 성능 및 진동감쇠비 성능 평가를 실시하였다. 폴리머로서는 Styrene Butadiene Rubber(SBR) 고형분이 약 49~51%인 액상형 폴리머를 사용하였으며, 5%씩 액상 폴리머 함량을 증가시켰으며, 고형분 기준으로 약 2.5%씩 증가하였다. 실험체는 40×40×160(mm)로써 경화 후에 압축강도, 휨강도, 초음파펄스법을 통해 진동감쇠비를 측정하였다. 그 결과, 폴리머 혼입률이 증가함에 따라 압축강도는 감소하나 휨강도는 증가하였으며, 진동감쇠비는 폴리머 고형분 2.5% 첨가에서 11% 증가, 폴리머 고형분 5%에서 28% 증가, 폴리머 고형분 7.5%에서 33% 증가, 폴리머 고형분 10%에서 72%로 급격히 증가하여 모르타르의 진동 저감을 위하여 폴리머의 혼입이 매우 유효함을 알 수 있었다. 또한, SEM 및 SEM-EDS 분석을 통하여, 폴리머 혼입에 의한 진동 저감의 원인은 골재의 천이대 및 내부 공극에 형성된 폴리머 막이 모르타르의 진동을 내부에서 완충시킨 것으로 판단된다. 이를 종합하면, 본 연구의 범위에서 모르타르의 진동 저감을 위한 적정 폴리머 혼입 비율은 고형분 기준 약 7.5% 정도로 판단된다.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT)(No. NRF-2018R1A5A1025137).


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