대면과 비대면 교육 환경이 반복되는 상황에서 효율적인 소프트웨어 실습 교육 사례

A Case Study on Software Practical Education that is Efficient for Repetitive Face-to-face and Non-face-to-face Education Environments

  • 투고 : 2022.09.01
  • 심사 : 2022.11.30
  • 발행 : 2022.11.30


Due to COVID-19, all activities in society are emphasized non-face-to-face, and the educational environment is changing without exception. Looking at the results of the survey after conducting non-face-to-face education, there was a lot of rejection of non-face-to-face practical education. The biggest reason was that instructors were not familiar with the non-face-to-face education method, and feedback was not smooth during or after education. In particular, software practice education was not easy to share the software development environment, but communication and feedback on class contents and tasks were important. In particular, if face-to-face and non-face-to-face are alternately variable, it is not easy for practical education to be consistently connected. Even if non-face-to-face hands-on education is changed to face-to-face hands-on education, we will present a plan to use a data sharing system such as question-and-answer, assignment, practice content, and board content so that it can proceed smoothly. This study presents an efficient software education process that can provide learners with a software integrated practice environment based on a shared server, question-and-answer between instructors and learners, and share feedback on tasks. For the verification of the presented process, the effectiveness was confirmed through the survey results by applying the face-to-face/non-face-to-face education process to 220 trainees for 30 months in software education classes such as A university hands-on education, B company new employees, and ICT education courses.



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