The Changes of Consumption Behavior in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Case of Purchasing Corona Prevention Products Through Indirect Ditribution Channel

  • Received : 2021.05.19
  • Accepted : 2021.11.05
  • Published : 2021.11.30


Purpose: COVID-19, government regulation and social media have changed many aspects of life including consumption behavior. The influence of social media by spreading massive news about COVID-19 also have the impact toward emotions threat, perceived risk, and perceived value of consumption behavior in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. This research aims to analyze the extent to which changes in the consumption behavior, mainly for purchasing of corona prevention products through indirect distribution channels. Research design, data and methodology: This research was descriptive quantitative using the IPA method with sample of people in Bengkulu Province. This study obtained 208 respondent data from questionnaires and tested the validity and reliability with corrected-item total correlation method. Results: The study found that COVID-19 pandemic and government regulation variable were in quadrant II, in quadrant III there were social media variable, emotions threat and perceived risk. Meanwhile, in quadrant IV there were perceived value variable. Conclusions: The findings indicated that COVID-19 and government regulation are the most variable that influence people to buy corona prevention product, meanwhile perceived value is the less influence variable. Therefore, government and marketers have to prepare strategic plan in order to raise people awareness to avoid corona by buying corona prevention product.


1. Introduction12

Nielsons in 2020 has declared that the changes in consumption behavior are specifically conveyed. This study which states that due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Indonesians are becoming more concerned with health and hygiene. As many as 44% of consumers admitted to consuming health products more frequently and 37% consuming vitamin drinks more frequently.

Nielsen's study also states that 80% of Indonesian consumers access information about COVID-19 through social media, followed by television news (77%), and online search engines (56%). These three mediums are the most widely accessed sources of information for consumers to find out about the development of COVID-19. Changes in consumption behavior by the Indonesian people due to COVID-19 cannot be separated from the influence of policies and news issued by the government. When the government announced the number of infected had jumped exponentially and some infected patients began to die, making consumer behavior more aggressive, anxious and in droves to buy Corona prevention products to stock in their homes.

The government's decision to carry out physical and social distancing has also resulted in Indonesians spending more time in the digital space either for work, communication, shopping, or just looking for entertainment. Indonesians have reduced traveling to limit contact with other people, they tend to shop online, order a lot of food via online delivery, or watch more movies at home, which is why Netflix shares surged during the COVID-19 crisis. All activities are mostly carried out at home, online shopping through indirect distribution channels has also increased, this is evident especially in the purchase of Corona prevention products.

Responding to these challenges, this research will be a novelty in marketing science research, by developing a new model to analyze changes in the consumption behavior of Indonesians for purchasing health products (Corona prevention products). This research is important to do, because it will provide a new consumer behavior model in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis which will allow it to become a new survival mode in entering the new normal world in the future, especially for the consumption of health products from the aspect of consumer assessment. This research was limited to analyze the focus on changes in the consumption behavior of Indonesian people especially in Bengkulu Province. In the context of consumption behavior, could be seen as a response made by individuals as an impact of certain stimulus. This refers to the concept or model of the S-O-R paradigm (Stimulus-Organism- Response) (Russell & Pratt, 1980; Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). The S-O-R theory stated in this research showed that a stimulus of government regulation of COVID-19 and social media (S) influences a person's internal being evaluated (O), which in turn causes a response to approach or avoid (R) through emotions threat, perceived risk, and perceived value of Indonesian people, in purchasing corona prevention products through indirect distribution channels, especially in Bengkulu Province. In other words, people react to environment influences (approach behavior) positive or negative, ways (avoidance behavior). Theory of S-O-R turns out to be the right lens of theory to understand how government regulation stimuli of changes in the consumption behavior.

2. Literature Review

2.1. COVID-19

The first human cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19, subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 were first reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019. World Health Organization declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020, and a pandemic in March 2020. It has triggered extreme panic and fear around the world, including Indonesia especially in Bengkulu Province.

Based on EY Globals research in 2020, several months after the declaration, economic shocks have been so great. The economy suddenly collapsed in an instant due to the spread of the coronavirus around the world. Since the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that COVID-19 is a world pandemic, consumer behavior in various business sectors has changed. Consumers become very careful about consuming and try to protect themselves and their families to survive in this situation. Cities and states have begun to close down. There is no normal traffic and activity like a few months ago. No wonder the health crisis has an impact on the economic crisis simultaneously.

Several previous studies have tried to conduct research related to marketing efforts in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but no research has been found that describes whether these efforts have met expectations or satisfaction for the Indonesian people amid the COVID-19 situation from the consumer side when purchasing corona prevention products through indirect distribution channels.

From this corona virus situation, it can be seen that consumer behavior has begun to change since the existence of this virus. Given this pandemic threatens basic human needs, namely personal security. So that consumers flock to save themselves by having as much food and beverage stock as possible. The way to meet the needs of food and beverage stocks has changed. If previously consumers were still able to walk or drive to buy, due to the virus pandemic, consumers had to buy online. Even if purchases are made offline, consumers tend to choose to buy necessities that are close to home.

2.2. Government Regulation

According to research by DBS Asian Insight in 2020, the consumption behavior of Indonesian people has changed since the outbreak of pandemic COVID-19. These changes cannot be separated from the influence of policies and news issued by the government. When the government announced the number of infected had jumped exponentially and some infected patients began to die, making consumer behavior more aggressive, anxious and in droves to buy Corona standby products to stock in their homes.

In last March, there was a panic buying in which consumers bought food supplies and health products on a large scale which caused these products to be limited due to insufficient stocks. The government also tries to control the panic experienced by the community so that there is no scarcity of primary products and health products, and applies certain regulations that can also protect the public from being exposed to the pandemic. The government's decision to carry out physical and social distancing has also resulted in Indonesians spending more time in the digital space either for working, communicating, shopping, or just looking for entertainment. Indonesians have reduced traveling to limit contact with other people, they tend to shop online, order more food via online delivery, or watch more movies at home, which is why Netflix shares surged during the COVID-19 crisis.

Corona prevention products such as masks, hand- sanitizers, vitamins, medicines, and other health products are the products most often sought after by consumers today. The fulfillment of these products is expected to protect them from being exposed to the corona virus and become their immunity, and the majority of them buy through indirect distribution channels.

2.3. Social Media

Social media refers to a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Social media comes in many forms, including Twitter, weblogs and Facebook. Surfing in social media has become part of daily activity of people, and an average person spend 2 hours 15 min a day on it. Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit (2011) determined that individuals utilize social media for multiple reasons such as personal identity, entertainment, empowerment, social interaction and information.

Despite from the many utilities of social media, during COVID-19 it also amplifies efforts to exchange accurate and authentic information from various means and helped to mitigate the disease spread (DSouza, DSouza, Strand, Anderson, Vogt, & Olatoye, 2020). Nowadays, social media not only facilitates users to seek and share health information in a routine or normal situation but also allows users to receive, disseminate and re-share health information in emergency situation, such as exchange of information related to disease precautionary measures among diverse users during COVID19 outbreak (DSouza et al., 2020).

2.4. Emotions Threat

Consumers think with their rational and emotional brains. Research after study says that when there is a purchase, it's for emotional reasons. But the power of emotions does not mean that decisions are random. In the short run, people can overrule their emotional responses (Glaeser, 2016). Logic plays a role to justify the money available (or will spend) especially when spending money to fulfill desires. Moreover, (Lazarus, 1991; Schiffman & Kanuk, 2010) explain that the power of a pre-purchase state can arise as a result of emotions.

Lazarus (1991) in his research revealed that there is a cognitive assessment process when consumers are under certain pressure. Cognitive assessment of consumers begins whether the pressure (emotions threat) is positive or negative. When consumers assess this pressure as positive pressure, what arises are challenge emotions which are characterized by feelings of enthusiasm, hope, and confidence. Meanwhile, when consumers perceive this pressure as negative pressure, what appears is feeling threatened. Feelings of being threatened can generate feelings of fear, worry, anxiety and concern. Furthermore, naturally consumers will measure their ability to deal with these pressures in one way, namely (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984):

1. Social Support Coping

Social Support Coping is a way out by consumers by asking friends for emotional support or asking friends for help. who have relevant expertise.

2. Active Coping

Active Coping is an attempt by consumers to reduce feelings of being threatened by taking actions that directly cause feelings of being threatened. For example, returning a damaged product, taking advantage of the product warranty or making a complaint.

One of the reactions from emotional threat that usually happen is in the moment of making a decision, bodies and faces add an automatic reaction (such as blushing, turning pale, trembling or even excited). Immediate emotions are often more intense and can have a greater impact on the decision to make a purchase. Emotions Threat is seen as a variable that can represent the emotional anxiety felt by the Indonesian people when deciding to buy health products during the COVID-19 crisis. Anxiety, worry and negative pressure from the environment make Indonesians more enthusiastic and impulsive in purchasing health products to protect themselves from transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

This current phenomenon is in line with the results of research by (Smith & Lazarus, 1993) who found that fear and worry are a form of emotional threat that responds to threats and uncertainty. Threat emotions in this study were measured through 4 indicators, referring to the research results of (Yi & Baumgartner, 2004), namely:

1. Anger, appears as a consumer's negative emotion when he feels blamed for a problem, namely when he is not fit and then consumes health products whose initial purpose is to increase the body's immunity so as not to be exposed to the COVID-19 virus.

2. Disappoinment, a feeling that arises when consumer expectations for health products consumed are not as expected.

3. Regret, appears as a negative emotion from a form of regret that has chosen other alternative health products and the results are not better than imagined. This retreat is usually followed by a deep feeling of regret and a desire to correct mistakes.

4. Worry, a feeling of fear that arises from unwanted uncertainty. This is very appropriate to describe how the emotional threat from the aspect of worry greatly affects consumer behavior in consuming health products during the COVID-19 pandemic, even when there is the excess of worry aspect, it often finds consumers who tend to be impulsive and aggressively buying health products for avoid the threat of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus.

2.5. Perceived Risk

For many customers, perceived risk was a prime consideration in deciding which items to order (Cox & Rich, 1964). One of the sources of risk that consumers will face comes from the lack of face-to-face interactions that bring substantial information asymmetry and uncertainty to consumers (Wood & Scheer, 1996; Belanche et al., 2012). This risk leads to internet-based services that tend to be considered riskier than traditional offline purchasing behavior, making consumers more doubtful about the use and acceptance of internet-based services (Featherman et al., 2010; Chang & Tseng, 2013; Thakur & Srivastava, 2014). (Bhukya & Singh, 2015) on the other hand, examined four dimensions of perceived risk in their study of purchase intention, which include functional risk, financial risk, physical risk and psychological risk. (Han & Kim, 2017) examined the multidimensional perceived risk which includes financial, privacy, product, security, social psychological and time risks. This study uses six indicators of risk that consumers will experience, referring to the results of research conducted by (Hoyer, W., Maccinnis D., & Pieters, 2014), namely:

1. Physical risk (there is a risk that threatens the physical condition or safety of consumers, for example: it is possible that the health products consumed have side effects on consumers).

2. Performance risk (risks related to product / service performance that are not in line with expectations, for example: there is a possibility that the purchased health product is not able to increase the consumer's immune system as expected at the time of initial purchase).

3. Psychological risk (the risk of negative emotions, for example: there is a possibility that consumers will feel embarrassed or anxious when buying health products during the Corona-19 crisis. Or there are consumers who panic because they do not get the health product they want).

4. Financial risk (there is a risk of financial loss, for example: there is a possibility that other higher quality health products will emerge, whose composition is considered more suitable to increase the body's immunity while avoiding exposure to the COVID-19 virus even at a possibly cheaper price, even for consumers who make purchases online health products are possible financial losses in the form of not reaching the product purchased into the hands of consumers or experiencing fraud).

5. Time-loss risk (there is a risk of wasted time, for example: there is a possibility that consumers will not find the health product they want to buy because they have already been purchased by previous consumers, so they have to move to another store to find the desired health product. consumers who buy health products online must repeat all online purchasing processes from the beginning due to lost internet connection, server errors and others).

6. Social risk (the risk due to the purchase of products / services that are considered poor by the social environment of consumers, for example: there is a possibility of friends or family consumers will be suspicious when consumers buy health products specific brands, for allegedly indicated exposure to the virus COVID-19.

Perceived risk is an important focus for practitioners and academics in this research, given the different conditions that consumers have experienced during the COVID-19 crisis. Certainly, more consumers make purchases through indirect distribution channels, which most consumers buy in retail market. Through the importance of performance analysis that will be carried out in this study, it will be seen to what extent consumer expectations can be met by health product business actors consumed during the period. during the COVID-19 crisis.

2.6. Perceived Value

The concept of "value" originates in economics. It refers to the overall ratio between interest earned and costs paid by consumers. Previous studies have used different terms to describe "value." Examples include consumption value, customer value, service value, d and perceived value - all of which incorporate similar ideas (Yu, Zang, Kim, Chen, Henderson, & Min, 2014). The value perception model was originally proposed by Monroe and Krishnan (1985). They assume that the perceived value of the customer (perceived value) is formed after a comprehensive analysis of the perceived quality of a product or service and the perception of the sacrifice required to obtain that product or service. Thus, when perceived quality goes beyond the perceived sacrifice, customers perceive value as something positive, which has had a consequent positive effect on their purchase intentions (Holbrook, 2006; Dodds, Monroe, Grewal, Dodds, & Monroe, 1991).

Kim and Davis (2009) used VAM (value based option model) to evaluate the level of user acceptance of internet usage. VAM is based on value optimization, and predicts the effect users have on perceived value and willingness to adopt information technology through multidimensional perceptual evaluation. Bolton and Drew (1991) also found that customers evaluate products or services based on their personal preferences. Thus, different customers have different perceptions of value regarding the same product or service. When customers think the benefits of acquiring a product or service outweigh the cost of acquisition, their perception of value increases, affecting their subsequent behavior (Wang, 2013; Bolton & Drew, 1991; Zeithaml, 1983). There are three dimensions of perceived value used in this study, namely functional value, emotional value, and social value (Yu & Lee, 2019).

A literature review defines perceived value as a consumer assessment of the benefits of the product as a whole based on consumer assessments of the benefits obtained from the product and the cost or sacrifice to obtain and use the product. This variable is operationalized by using 4 measurement items related to perceived value (Hellier, Geursen, Carr, & Rickard, 2003; Spais & Vasileiou, 2006):

1. Functional Value: This is the level of consumer perception in terms of the function of the health products they consume.

2. Emotional Value: It is the level of consumer perception of the ability of these health products to evoke feelings (emotions) or affective aspects of consumers until the consumer decides to buy the product.

3. Aesthetic Value: It is the level of consumer perception of the beauty (aesthetics) of health products that have been consumed or purchased.

4. Social Value: It is the level of consumer perception regarding the status or self-esteem that is felt when consuming these health products.

2.7. Conceptual Framework

The following section provides a conceptual framework of research.

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Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

The SOR model in this study illustrated how changes in consumption behavior occurs when receiving a stimulus become a particular response. The Hypothesis of this research is clearly to analyze how the level of performance and interests of each variable, both stimulus and organism, have a high level of importance and performance in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia during the COVID-19, which is in line with the phenomenon, theories, previous empirical research, and the analytical framework.

There were six aims identified in this study as follows:

1. How the level of importance and performance of COVID-19 in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia.

2. How the level of importance and performance of Government regulation in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia.

3. How the level of importance and performance of Social media in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia.

4. How the level of importance and performance of Emotions threat has in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia.

5. How the level of importance and performance of Perceived risk in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia.

6. How the level of importance and performance of Perceived value in influencing the changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people, Indonesia.

3. Research Methods and Materials

3.1. Method

This research is a descriptive quantitative research, because in its implementation it includes data, analysis and interpretation of the meaning and the data obtained will be presented in real terms according to the facts obtained in later research (Hair, Black, Babin, Underson, & Ronald, 2010; Krippendorff, 2004). This research was conducted in Bengkulu Province by distributing online questionnaires via google form. This sample collection technique uses the random sampling method, which means that the sample is taken randomly. From the scattered questionnaires, the researchers found 208 to be tested for reliability and validity using the corrected-item total correlation method. All of the respondent's data passed the reliability and validity test, so the researcher continued with the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method.

IPA has been generally accepted. Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method, which is a simple technique used to identify the attributes of a product or service that are most needed. IPA has the ability to provide valuable managerial information for measuring the satisfaction of the measured performance attributes and interests, as well as identify efficient resource allocations in an appropriate and easy format (Magal & Levenburg, 2005). The Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method was first introduced by (Martilla & James, 1977) with the aim of measuring the relationship between consumer perceptions and product / service quality improvement priorities, also known as quadrant analysis.

3.2. Result

This research is dominated by millennial generation with as many as 125 people (61.6%) of the total 208 respondents. The age is dominated from the age 18-22 years old as many as 109 people (52.5), 69 respondents (33.2%) with age range 23-27. And the rest come from over 28 years old as many as 30 respondents (14.4%). Based on income, respondents mostly have an income less than Rp1.000.000 as many as 102 respondents (49%). There are 47 respondents (22.6%) with income range Rp1.000.000-Rp2.000.000, 33 respondents (15.9%) with income range Rp2.100.000- Rp3.000.000 and there are 26 respondents (12.5%) with income range more than Rp 4.000.000.

This study finds the method that usually used by respondents is offline purchase as many as 146 respondents (70.2%) through indirect distribution channels, and 38 respondents (18.3%) using online purchase method. The rest 24 respondents (11.5%) frequently use both online and offline purchase. This study also finds 134 respondents (64.4%) the frequency of purchasing corona prevention product for more than 3 times in a month. Lastly, this study has identified what corona prevention product that has been purchased mostly by respondents. There are 93.7% respondents purchase mask, 71.4% respondents purchase Hand-sanitizer, 48.1% respondents purchase vitamin, 38.9% respondents purchase dry tissue, 30.3% respondents purchase wet tissue, supplement and medicine by 14.9%, and around 1% respondent purchase face-shield.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Validity and Reliability Test Results

DeMarrais and Lapan (2004) stated that the result of validity and reliability test was intended to describe whether the result of study can be believed or not. After conducting the validity test, the researcher obtained data where all the question items had a value of more than 0.3. So it can be stated that all statement items are valid, that an item is said to be valid if it has a correlation greater than 0.30.

After all question items are declared valid, the next process is a reliability test (Table 1). Based on the results of the reliability test, the overall reliability coefficient was above 0.60 cronboach alpha, meaning that this instrument was included in the reliable category. Meanwhile, to interpret the level of reliability of an instrument can be seen from the achieved reliability coefficient. If alpha or r count between 0.8-1.0 then the reliability is good, if alpha or r count is between 0.6-0.799 then the reliability is accepted, and if alpha or r count is less than 0.6 then the reliability is not good. From the results of the reliability test results, it can be concluded that all indicators in this study reached a level of reliability "good" with r count more than 0.9.

Table 1: Reliability Test Result

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Source: Developed by the researcher (2021)

4.2. Results of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)

Based on the COVID-19 Pandemic indicator, researchers found that it turns out that the average respondent's assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic indicator on the corona standby product has a higher level of importance than the average performance level result, with a gap of -0.50541. This indicates that respondents have not fully felt the performance or satisfaction of the corona standby product, but have purchased the corona standby product because it is important in this pandemic situation.

Table 2: Recapitulation of Average Performance, Interests, and Gaps

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Source: Developed by the researcher (2021)

In government regulation indicators, the average respondent's assessment of government regulation indicators has a higher average level of importance of 3.69071 compared to the performance level with a gap of - 0.45673. This indicates that existing government regulations contribute to an important feeling of spending on corona prevention products. Fear and anxiety over the pandemic and government regulations to lock down have also influenced consumer decisions to shop through indirect retail distribution. From the data can also be seen that the performance of government regulations has a significant effect on respondent satisfaction with corona prevention products.

In the social media indicator, the researcher found that the average respondent's assessment of the social media indicator had a higher average level of importance, namely 3.53966 with a gap of -0.35036. This indicates that the information on social media has not really influenced respondent satisfaction with the purchase of corona standby products, but rather contributes to the interest in buying these products.

In the Emotions Threat indicator, the average respondent's assessment of the emotional threat indicator has an average level of importance that is higher than performance, which is 3.55409 with a gap of -0.35457. This indicates that emotional factors affect the level of importance of purchasing corona standby products rather than satisfaction with these products. In the indicator of perceived value, the researcher found that the average respondent's assessment of the Perceived Value indicator had an average level of importance that was higher than performance, namely 3.54026 with a gap of -0.17187. This indicates that the value or function of the product does not entirely affect respondent satisfaction after purchasing a corona prevention product, but rather influences the factor of interest in identifying the value of the health product first.

Finally, on the indicator of perceived risk, the researcher found that the average respondent's assessment of the Perceived Risk indicator had a higher average importance of 3.39183 compared to performance which was only 3.06827, with a gap of -0.32356. This fact has proven that respondents are not completely satisfied after knowing the risks and buying health products for corona prevention. The product risk still encourages respondents to buy because it is important to them.

This is acceptable considering the government has implemented various regulations to increase awareness of the use of corona prevention products. However, this is not enough, which can be seen from the gap in the indicators of government regulation which are still negative from the level of importance and level of performance, so new innovation is needed to achieve a higher level of importance and satisfaction. Therefore, government has to prepare strategic plan by creating sustainable regulations in innovatively and adaptively, so that government will be able to increase the awareness of people and control the spread of virus in society.

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Figure 2: Importance Performance Analysis

5. Conclusion

This study contributes on the field of marketing, consumption behavior especially purchasing corona prevention product through indirect distribution channels, and its government policy during pandemic COVID-19. Based on the recapitulation of the average value of the level of performance and importance of all indicators, this study found that the midpoint for the X-axis is 3.22, and the Yaxis is 3.58, so a Cartesian diagram can be made depicting the position of each indicator to determine the next strategy. Based on the Cartesian diagram mapping above can be found out that the position of the COVID-19 pandemic indicator and government regulations in the 2nd quadrant, which means that it tends to be excessive (low importance and high performance). It is considered not too important so that the allocation of resources related to these factors can be diverted to other factors that require increased handling.

Whereas in the third quadrant there are indicators of social media, emotional threats, and perceived risk. This indicates that these indicators fall into low priority (low importance and low performance). Consumers consider that they have a low level of satisfaction and are not too important, so there is no need to prioritize these factors. Therefore, as ruler government can prepare strategic plan for media industries to reduce exaggerating news about COVID-19 in TV, Newspaper, Radio, even social media because it creates anxiety and negativity in society which also influence their emotions and perceived risk toward COVID-19 that make them to be mentally unhealthy. Thats why, government also has to provide positive news in order to create positive narrative in society for example glorifying healthy life by doing exercise every day.

Meanwhile, the position of the perceived value indicator is in quadrant IV, which means that in this quadrant, the performance of perceived value indicators must be improved (high importance and low performance). It is considered a very important but not satisfactory factor for the current conditions so it must be a major concern to improve the value quality of corona prevention products for consumers. Therefore, government and pharmacist industry has to prepare strategic plan that is to create affordable corona prevention product, so that all layer of society including underprivileged people can buy the products since the COVID-19 also make many people lose their job, then they dont have enough capital to buy corona prevention products. Moreover, marketers should focus on adjusting its marketing strategy to suit health issue during COVID-19, especially in sales through indirect distribution channels. Since people nowadays focus on health issue and want to avoid COVID-19, marketers should brand its product where it can fulfill the need of safety and health for consumers. Glorifying health issue and implement health protocol will be also strategic to make the products close to the consumers.

This study found that all indicators level of importance was higher than performance, this indicates that respondents considered purchasing COVID-19 prevention products to be important so they were not exposed to the corona virus even though the satisfaction obtained from these products was not fully felt. This means that all variables are able to influence changes of consumption behavior of Bengkulunese people in Indonesia.

The results of the IPA analysis in the Cartesian diagram found that government regulatory indicators fall into the second quadrant level, which means that they tend to be excessive. This is a novelty research that can be used as reference material from the government to provide innovation on existing policies that can make the public more aware in facing a pandemic by buying corona prevention products, especially for the provincial government of Bengkulu in Indonesia.

Another finding is that the perceived value indicator, which is in quadrant IV, is an important indicator but the performance is still lacking. Therefore, glorification and education of the values of corona prevention products can be improved performance because the value of these products is very important to consumers. Apart from that, all the indicators studied have not been able to reach quadrant I in the Cartesian quadrant analysis and this can be an evaluation to further improve performance and satisfaction from various aspects, especially to COVID-19.

5.1. Theoretical and Practical Implication

This research is expected to be able to provide new references in marketing management science, especially related to consumer behavior in the sub-field Emotional Marketing. Within the lack of research related to changes in consumer behavior during the COVID-19, this research will contribute to expose more consumer behavior especially under the pandemic of COVID-19 where the majority of consumers make purchases of health products through indirect distribution channels. Academics need to study and analyze from the consumer side how the actual level of conformity between expectations and performance of the Corona prevention health products they have consumed during the pandemic COVID-19.

Moreover, this research is expected to provide important information for the government, business actors, as well as the public regarding changes in the consumption behavior of Indonesians, especially Bengkulu, which does not rule out the possibility of forming a new habit as a new survival mode in facing the new normal world phase in the future.

5.2. Direction for Future Research

This study suffers from the usual limitation pertaining to small survey, only in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. Therefore, it is better for further research to be conducted within wider geographic area and with a bigger demographic sample.


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