Analysis for Traffic Accident of the Bus with Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)

첨단안전장치 장착 버스의 사고사례 분석

  • Received : 2021.06.06
  • Accepted : 2021.08.08
  • Published : 2021.09.30


Recently a traffic accident of heavy duty vehicles under the mandatory installation of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) is often reported in the media. Heavy duty vehicle accidents are normally occurring a high number of passenger's injury. According to report of Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, FCW (Forward Collision Warning) and AEB (Automatic Emergency Braking) were associated with a statistically significant 12% reduction in the rate of police-reportable crashes per vehicle miles traveled, and a significant 41% reduction in the rear-end crash rate of large trucks. Also many countries around the world, including Korea, are studying the effects of ADAS installation on accident reduction. Traffic accident statistics of passenger vehicle for business purpose in TMACS (Traffic safety information Management Complex System in Korea) tends to remarkably reduce the number of deaths due to the accident (2017(211), 2018(170), 2019(139)), but the number of traffic accidents (2017(8,939), 2018(9,181), 2019(10,095)) increases. In this paper, it is introduced a traffic accident case that could lead to high injury traffic accidents by being equipped with AEB in a bus. AEB reduces accidents and damage in general but malfunction of AEB could occur severe accident. Therefore, proper education is required to use AEB system, simply instead of focusing on developing and installing AEB to prevent traffic accidents. Traffic accident of AEB equipped vehicle may arise a new dispute between a driver's fault and vehicle defect. It is highly recommended to regulate an advanced event data recorder system.



본 연구는 국토교통부/국토교통과학기술진흥원의 지원으로 수행되었음(과제번호 21AMDP-C162895-01).


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